The Men In My Bedroom.. My Men

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The Men In My Bedroom ... My Men 

They make me smile when I need them to

They allow me to be who I want to be

A writer because they allow their stories to come to life

There seems to be many more ocuppying my bedroom now 

I suppose this is what happens when you start to write 

But these Men I would not change for the world

Because although sometimes they can be impatient for them to get their stories out 

But I know they care 

They give me a side in me which is fun, which I need 

They keep me laughing 

Keep me fighting 

So these men in my bedroom  

Will always be something that this girl 

Is always going to need

For they keep me 

Believing it's okay to be me 

Because it is who I am. 

So Blue eyes, Green eyes and my knights don't ever think about going too far away 

Because this storyteller needs you to stay with me 

To brighten up my day 

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