Chapter 4

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So sorry I'm now just updating I've been pretty busy! But today I'm leaving for Digifest and I'm so excited!! I'm mainly going for Hayes and Jack and Jack!

Graves POV:

I walked into the school building like always and saw that there were posters all over for PROM. Yeah, I'm not going! Every girl dreams about going to Prom but I on the other hand, have nightmares about it! I don't want to spend like 4 hours with a bunch of sweaty people who I hate and are annoying as hell in the disgusting gym while dumb pop music plays in the crackly speakers, no thank you!

"Hey G, we're going dress shopping for prom after school, Okay?" Sarah said walking up to me all cheerfully. I rolled my eyes and walked past her. This girl drags me into EVERYTHING! "I'm not going." I said confidently as she quickly followed behind me.

"What do you mean you're not going? You have to go, it Prom! you only get once in your life time!" She said, dazing off into space about her picture perfect prom night. "Thank God! If there was another I would shoot myself! Why do you want to go to a stupid four hour dance with a bunch of annoying people who either smell like over used cologne or rotten eggs?" I asked her snapping her out of her gaze.

"You get to dress up and go have the time of your life!" she said. "The time of my life will be when I get out of this place!" I said to her. "Well it's this Saturday and I will be meeting you after school so you can help me go dress shopping!" she said stepping in front of me. "I have to go to class." I huffed walking past her towards first period, with Nick.

I walked in the slid my bag off my shoulder and onto the ground, sitting down in my seat. This time I sat in the second row because the first one was all filled up. I grabbed my phone and started scrolling through social media before the bell rang and the teacher came.

She stared babbling on and on about how we are gonna work on our projects today and how they're due tomorrow and whatever. Nick walked in 5 minutes late just after the tardy bell rang, not a surprise. "Mr. Robinson, nice of you to join us!" Mrs. Morse said and he just nodded walking towards the only seat empty, which happens to be right next to me!

"Would you care to explain why you're late?" She asked Nick just rolled his eyes. "No, I don't care to explain!" he said with an attitude. Some people started laughing and I just rolled my eyes. It was so close to the end of the year that Mrs. Morse just let it slide.

"Get working!" she yelled sternly and we did as she said. "So, why were you late?" I said laughing turning towards Nick. "None of your business." he said in a rude tone and turned towards some guys behind us and began talking.

"um, are you gonna help?" I asked him. He ignored me and kept talking to his friends or whatever. "Nick!" I yelled and he turned towards me. "Will you shut up?" he said and the guys started laughing at me.

"You're coming over today right?" I asked him ignoring what he said. "No, I have better things to do!" he said. I can't believe he's being such an asshole. Yesterday he was perfectly fine and now he's not. I groanded in frustration and pulled out my phone acting like I was re-searching.

I was texting Sarah and Ben in our group chat when Nick tapped my shoulder. "Hello?" he said saracasticlly and I didn't answer. "Why don't you stop being a bitch and pay attention?" he said hitting my phone away from my face making it fall on the desk, thankfully it was okay.

"What the heck?" I said and Nick mocked me making the guys laugh. I rolled my eyes and kicked his shin under the table. "Hey dick head why don't you stop talking and actually pay attention to what we're doing?" I said while he bent down to rub his shin.

"Ow." he said under his breath while a bruised formed on his leg. "Why would you do that?" he said looking up at me. "Because you needed some sense knocked into you!" I said to him making the guys all go "oh".

Nick have them the evil eye and they stopped and went back to work. "You're coming over to work on the project tonight right?" I asked him and he nodded. "And you got the poster last night right?" I asked him and he nodded again. "Good." I said all sweetly while typing on my phone again, telling Sarah and Ben what just happened.

I finished the school day without contact with Nick again until after school. I walked out of the building talking with Sarah and saying bye to Ben when Nick walked up to us. Sarah of course started freaking out and I just rolled my eyes.

"Hey uh, I got a ride this morning from a friend so I need a ride over to your house." he said. I forgot to tell Sarah about the horrible news. "Well I have to go home with Grace today because my ride left me too, so I guess we're all going over!" Sarah said cheerfully and Nick just raised his eyebrows, giving her a fake smile then looked away.

I would rather go dress shopping then this now. We all started walking towards my car Nick following slowly behind us. "I thought we were going dress shopping?" I whispered yelled to Sarah. "Well change of plans!" she whispered looking back at Nick then speeding up towards my car.

"Sarah sit in the back." I said. "But, I wanna sit in the front?" she said. "Just sit in the back." Nick said and her mood swung and she smiled. "Okay!" she said and we all got into the car.

We pulled up to my house after a awkwardly silent car ride. We all got out and went inside. "Sarah, Nick and I have to actually work so can you just sit in the living room or something?" I said and Nick have her a pleading look. "Uh, sure." she said sarcastically but believable for Nick.

Nick and I went upstairs to my room to begin working. "She's a handful." I said and closed the door behind us. "Yeah, so wanna get started?" Nick said all nicely. "First can we talk about how you were a dick at school today?" I said crossing my arms over my chest.

"Hey, let's just work." Nick said. "I don't understand why you put this big act on for school then when outside of it you're a completely different person." I said to him and he rolled his eyes. "Because Grace I've got a reputation to maintain!" he said pulling the poster out of his backpack.

"Is that why you don't talk to me anymore?" I asked and he ignored me. "Nick, after we stopped talking my life went downhill and yours went up." I said. He looked into my deep hazel eyes and came only inches away from my face. "Grace," he said wrapping his arm around my waist pulling me closer to where now we were centimeters away.

He was about to lean in when he stopped himself. "Let's just get to work okay?" he said and I opened my closed eyes. "Uh, yeah sure." I said and we back away getting down on the ground to design the poster.

About 20 minutes later we were done and texted his friend to come pick him up. "Well uh, I'll see you tomorrow Grace." he said before walking out to his friend car. "okay." I said and then we heard a Sarah yelling bye to him and just yelled bye back.

I closed the door and turned around just thinking about what almost happened between us. Why would he do something like that? Or I guess, almost do something like that. Did it mean something? Does he have feelings for me?

I guess the more important question is, do I have feelings for him?

Comment and vote and I will update soon!!! Thanks for reading!

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