Chapter 1: Lame is NOT the way!

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I walk into my first period and I sit in my normal spot...which is in the middle where I won't be put on the spot and a lot of people won't notice me. As the teacher starts talking I sit there listen and take notes and suddenly I feel someone tapping my shoulder. "Psst hey ugly girl" a voice from behind. I try to ignore it but he says it once again but louder " Psst ugly girl!" and some of my classmates laugh. The teacher turns around from the board "um excuse me what's the problem?" I lift my head up "nothin". He interrupts again "nothin but homegirl can't move her nappy head out tha way". "Excuse me?!" I raised my eyebrows at him. "You heard me.....come ya hai" after he said that everyone busted out laughing. This was a regular day for me and I was tired of it! "Alright now settle down and shut up!" my teacher yelled. I'm so glad by then the bell had rung and I was on my way out of the class when Chante came by and pushed past me knocking my books out of my hand and onto the floor. You know those friends from 7th grade I told you about....well that was one of them and the other one was Jayla and you'll hear more about her later on. "Are you ok?" the teacher asked me while helping me with my things. "I'm fine" I said while snatching my books and storming out of the classroom to my locker. As I put my books in my locker I see Brandon, the cutest guy but then my image is ruined when I see Jayla pushin all up on him. She notices me and walks my way. "Do we have a problem?!" She asks. "I don't know do we?" I shoot back at her. "You know what....oooo...just keep ya eyes off of me and my man OK!" She demanded. "I didn't see no name on him" I challenged. She rolled her eyes and walked away. I slammed my locker and stormed off to my next class. I was thinking the whole time "I can't believe her, she knows I like him!" I try to calm myself down and head to my next class.


After 2 periods pass I head to lunch. I stand in the chick-fil-a line with Kaelyn and Chante passes by with her boyfriend named Tyler. I mean he was cute but he wasn't all that. "Don't even worry about her, she just mad cause she...she....well just don't worry about her" Kaelyn try's to cheer me up. I really and truly don't like those two they make me sick! I wait for Kaelyn to get out of the line for us to find somewhere to sit but then we find Grace. Once we sit down we start our conversation. Grace was the coolest one out of all of us, she really didn't have no rashes with nobody so guess who starts walking our way.....that's right BRANDON! I got really nervous and I start to eat my food. "Hey Grace!" he says calmly. "Hey B" she replies. "Well we was havin this party and we wanted to know if you wanna come." he invited. "We'll can my friends come?" she asks while pointing towards us. "Well she can come but not her" he says while pointing to Kaelyn. He really thinks I can't hear him, my heart just tore when I heard his comment. "Well I guess I'm not goin then" grace says with a attitude. "Man why not this is gon be the coolest party of the year" he begs. "You know what it's ok y'all can go" I say feeling kind of sad. "Are you sure?" Kaelyn asks worried. "Yea I'm sure" I nod. "Alright I guess we goin then" Grace accepted. "Alright cool it's next week, and sorry" he says acknowledging me. He walks off back to his table. "Well then why did he ask us this early" Kaelyn wondered. I sat there quietly while eating my food. -.-


After school I went straight home once I got there I went to my room and threw my books on the floor. I was still mad about not getting invited to the party. I know you may be thinking why did you say you were ok with it, but I was just being nice. I picked up my diary. This is where I put all of my hurts, pains, and simply just how my day went. I got a pen from my purse and begin to write......

Dear Diary, Nov. 20

Today was fine until lunch! Grace and Kaelyn got invited to the party of the year......BY BRANDON! I was so pissed and they didn't even care. Well I have to admit I did tell them it would be alright and for them to go without me. MY FAULT! I should've just been honest but I want them to have fun too. I have to get invited to that party, I just don't know how I'm not "cool" enough. Huhhh I just don't know. Well anyway I have to go get this homework done so bye!

- Love Shanail xoxoxo

I close my diary and put it back in my private chest. I headed toward the kitchen and fixed me some noodles (ramen noodles) you know the creamy chicken kind ;) and I hit the books. My mama soon comes storming through the front door. "Hey ma, what's wrong?" I asked. "Not now I gotta use it hold on" she says literately running to her room. "Okkaaayyyy" I whisper to myself. It was like that all the time, I was starting to wonder if they even had a restroom at her job. A minute later she comes out and goes toward the kitchen. "How was your day sweetie?" she asked. She knew about my situation at school....we were close like that. "Same ol same ol" I replied. "Naw something happened, I can see that look on yo face" she said suspicious. I'm sorry my mama could see right through me, it was a gift. "Well it's just this big party that I wasn't invited to" I answered quick enough to where she could only hear bits and pieces. "Well it's gonna get better baby just keep your head up and I don't want you to do something stupid to get friends" she warns. I'm just really tired of being a lame. I finish my noodles up and get to work on studying for the test tomorrow in English lit.

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