Chapter 4

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"Have you heard the news? Kaito was found DEAD at the zoo!" Wow. Everyone in school is talking about it. You know, Kaito--that creepy dick who did my poor angel dirty.

At class time, Rin-chan sat alone with her head down that immediately made me feel stupid and bad for her. Yeah, Kaito totally deserved it. I went over to comfort her, but Mikuo beat me to do it and started comforting her though his eyes screamed at her to kiss him. Gross. 

But then Mikuo noticed me glaring at him, so he glared back at me dangerously and hugged her, placing his lips to her forehead and touching her skin with his filthy hands. I felt like punching Mikuo in the face and scream at him to leave her alone. That JERK. I'll  fucking end him too later.

"Len-kun? Are you alright?" Miku asked waving her hand around my face. I shook my head and said. "Yeah, I was thinking if I let the kettle on at home. I guess not...And I hope not. Well, I'll see you later." I hope not.

(Rin's POV)

Kaito-senpai died yesterday. I have a feeling he was killed after he said he was going to go to the bathroom and everyone talks about it which is really bothering me because I....well for honesty....I have mixed feelings of everything that just happened.

Mikuo-senpai was super kind to me as he's always nice just like what everyone said he is. "Don't be upset. Even Kaito would want to see you smiling rather than crying, too." Mikuo-senpai said. "He was a best friend to me too so I know how you feel, alright?" I realized he thinks that I'm sad because he's dead. But I smiled anyway and nodded as he was just looking out for me, as he gave me a friendly hug. "Thank you, Mikuo-senpai! You're so kind!"

He smiled and said. "You don't need to, because I'm suppose to be there for you." Then the bell rang and he gave me a wink that made me flush before he left to sit his desk.

(Len's POV)

~After school back at home~

Remember when I found Rin-chan's ribbon headband on the ground when I was looking for her? WELL, I took it and now I hold it tight to myself, of course, and daydream all day about her. I could just think of waking up in the morning with her in my bed, smiling.

But then my phone rang that snapped out of my day dream. "Hello?" I grunted. There was muffling voices and then a bubbly voice squeaked. "Len-kun! It's me! Rin-chan!" Rin-chan said. "I wanted to talk to you again so I found your phone number on your scarf and then I called you!"

My heart skipped probably one or two beats and I sat up straight super fast. "Are you busy today? Because I want to chat with you and I'm alone again." She said. I cleared my throat and said. "Yeah, I'm free as usual. Want to go out to the museum? There's no need to pay today, they said."

"Really? Is it alright?" I laughed and looked at Rin's white bow. "Yeah! But make sure you wear comfy and cozy clothes because it's cold tonight and I don't want you to catch a cold." I said. Rin-chan will also be the one who I will worry about only. No one else.

Once I hung up, I wore my coat and walked out of my room to go to the museum.

Rin-chan was surprisingly already there looking around for me at the stairs. I continued to walk through the crowd until Rin-chan was able to see me. She ran and hugged me saying. "Len-kun! You came! I'm so glad!" I liked the way she placed her hands on my chest when she did. I would cut her beautiful soft hands off so that she wouldn't do it to anyone else but me.

"Is there something wrong, Len-kun? You look tired and as if you got into a fight.." Rin-chan asked. I hugged her back immediately and just said. "I'm fine, Rin-chan. I was just so urged to go with you ALONE..."

But then I realized what I was doing and I felt like I woke up from dozing off. "Well, anyway, let's go and see the cool things inside. What do you want to see in the museum?" I asked wishing Rin could've forgot what I said. Snsjdbejdjd crap. Now she thinks I'm a creep.

"I want to see the fishes and the whales." She said. "Because it's so peaceful and...." She paused for a moment so I finished it off for her. ".....Romantic?"

Rin-chan turned pink and said. "No! Not really! It's just calm and a cool place to go..." When got there to the aquarium, there was no one there. "This makes more space for us!" I said as Rin-chan looked at fishes. "Look! There's a baby jelly fish!" She said pointing out at a colourful glowing jelly fish. "I want to touch it and I bet it will hug me back..."

I laughed at her and said. "You know, jellyfishes are dangerously poisonous."

Rin-chan looked at the paper that was stuck to the stand that had also all the info about Jellyfishes. "I guess it is...But it's so cute.." She said watching it flow away sadly like a sad puppy. So adorable....

That's when something big hovered over us making a big shade that Rin-chan HAD to look up and screamed once she saw the giant shark swimming right TOWARDS us that she hugged me until it made a sharp turn and swam away.

"Oh, it's a whale shark." Rin-chan said relaxing. I looked down and said. "Uh huh." I never felt so cuddly in my life. With her body against me, I felt warmer and nicer than ever. I want her to keep doing this until I get sick of it. Which, for your information, I never will. "It's gone now," I said, regretting to say this.

Rin-chan letted go of me. "Can we go to the place where you want to go to?" She asked. I scratched my head and said. "I don't have one so I think you can choose one."

That's when Rin's phone vibrated so she grabbed it and picked it up. It was from Mikuo. I listened with a big smile on my face as she explained to him that she was at an aquarium with ME and I can definitely imagine his stupid head blowing with steam.

The next time I see him and he sees me, I'll grin at him as to rub my victory in his face.

"It's getting colder and colder." I said beginning to notice after she finished talking in the phone. Rin-chan trembled and I couldn't help it but think it made her look cuter because she was all huddled up. "Len-kun, can I hold your hand? My fingers are getting cold." She said with her eyes sparkling in plead.

"Sure," I said holding out my hand. When she took it, I felt my heart racing faster and faster as she held tighter. Her hands were naturally small and soft. This was the first time holding hands with a girl OR with her. This makes us we're getting closer and closer and if we go further, then she'll be my girlfriend in no time.

"Is that my scarf?" I asked noticing the yellow-orange scarf she was wearing. Rin-chan turned pink and said. "Yeah, but I like to wear it because it's fluffy and cozy like a lamb wool....And I like the smell because it makes me warmer." I began to feel hotter as she smiles shyly. "I wish this could go on forever," She said making it more harder for me to breath as walked out. "You can keep it. I have another pair at home." I said. Keep it and dream of me, my love.

The clock struck twelve and it began to snow. "You get back home now, Rin-chan. It's snowing and I don't want you to get trapped surrounded by snow so I'll see you tomorrow." I said tightening the scarf around her neck. Rin-chan happily nodded and said. "I'll see you tomorrow, Len-kun!" And she ran off as I watched until she was no where to be seen.

I secretly followed her home before going back to my apartment, making a cup of hot coffee. "Oh Rin-chan, just hurry up and say that you love me and let me love you so we can be lovers forever." I thought almost frustratingly.

RinShippingStories Comment:

Len's yandere feelings for Rin gets frustrating btw!

True Love RestraintOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora