Chapter Nineteen

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It felt like an eternity before there was no more dirt to hide away Edward forever, but, all too soon, there was. Soon after, people began to trickle away. First Havoc, who couldn't seem to get away quick enough, quickly followed by the rest of Riza's team. Riza herself moved to stand by Winry's side, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. Gracia and Elicia left then, followed by the rest of the military personnel who had attended, including Fuhrer Grumman himself. Soon the only people left were Edward's closest friends and family; Emperor Ling, Lan Fan, surprisingly enough, Scar, Paninya, Maria Ross, Mai, Alphonse, Riza and herself. For a long time, nobody spoke, just stared at the headstone that was the only marker of Edward's existence now. To the shock of them all, it was Scar who broke the silence.

"Edward, I am sorry we parted in this fashion. I hope you find peace where you are now, and I am confident God has welcomed you into his arms. If anyone were ever more worthy of God's love, it would be you." He said, and, without another word, he turned around and left the Resembool cemetery. Nobody even noticed.

Next it was Paninya who spoke. "Ed, I never really knew you for all that long, but...just know that I'm sorry for stealing from you, and I thank you once again for helping Winry deliver my Goddaughter." She left after that as well, most likely heading back to Rush Valley. Winry barely noticed her leaving either.

"Edward, you were the bravest young man I've ever met." Said Maria quietly. "There are no words to express my gratitude in knowing you." Winry didn't even look her way when she spoke, and nor did she turn her head when she left.

Next to speak was Lan Fan. "Edward, if it weren't for you, I never would have known about auto-mail limbs, and when I lost my arm, I never would have know there was a way to replace it, and protect the Emperor. So I thank you, for that." She said, but she did not leave. She stayed right by Ling's side, as he spoke.

"If it weren't for you, Edward, I would never have found the Philosopher's Stone that saved my clan. I would never have been able to rise to the throne and I would never have been able to protect both my clan and Mai's. It just wouldn't have been possible. For that, I thank you, my good friend." Ling bowed to his grave, lower than an Emperor ever should, and slowly turned away, taking Lan Fan with him.

"I could never have become such good friends with Ling that he would protect my clan without you, Edward." Mai said, her voice cracking. "And I never would have met Alphonse had I not searched for you first. There are no words I can say that will ever be enough, but I guess I have to make do with the simplest words of all. Thank you, Edward. Thank you." She sobbed, clutching Alphonse's arm tightly, burying her face in his chest. He wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her closer.

"Goodbye, Ed." Riza said, breaking the long silence that followed Mai's speech. "Goodbye, but not forever, surely. I do not know what lies beyond here, I do not know where you have gone, but I know I will see you there one day, Edward. I know I will. And Edward...I'm so, so sorry for not protecting you the way I should have. You were nothing less than a son to me, and I couldn't protect you. I am so sorry." Silent tears slid down her cheeks, and she gave Winry one last hug before departing, hugging herself tightly, as though she were china that might break.

Winry did not have it in her to give a speech, and apparently neither did Alphonse, because for a long, long time afterwards, there was complete and utter silence. Not even the wind dared interrupt it, and Winry hated it. How dare the day be so perfect on a day so tragic? The sun was shining brilliantly, as it lowered slowly back down below the hills as time went on. Winry realized that this day matched perfectly to her dream, one she had had months ago. Here she was, standing beside the grave of Trisha Elric. Beside it on the right was the grave of her husband, Van Hohenheim, and to it's left was Edward's, the grave she stood directly in front of now. Just like her dream, it read simply: Edward 'Fullmetal' Elric, 1899 - 1915. In front of his headstone were dozens of bunches of flowers, all as beautiful as he had been. Even as in the dream, her subconscious was making noises that resembled a ringing telephone, but Winry pushed that to the back of her mind. The sun had begun to set completely now, and Mai finally managed to coax Alphonse into leaving. Winry suspected that they would head back to Xing, but she was wrong. They turned left at the road instead of right, and headed towards Winry's house. They would probably wait there for her, and it was too bad that it would be in vain. Unconsciously, she touched her tummy again, and she realized the subtle differences between her dream and reality.

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