11| The Sleeping Curse

Start from the beginning

Slowly, the clearing was emptying, as all the Authorities marched away in different directions. I waited for another fifteen minutes before I came out of my hiding spot.

This was my chance.

I brushed the dirt off my dark green cargo pants, and I slowly tiptoed towards the train.

There was no time to rely on mights and maybes. I had to act now.

Taking a final look around, I stepped into the open train cart.

And there, I waited.

* * *

It felt like I sat hidden for hours, my mind wandering off, the only thing I could look at being the backside of a smooth, silver-grey box. There were several scratches along the side, from it being moved around. Two scratches in particular made a shape which looked like a crescent moon. I traced it with my finger, feeling the even surface of the crate interrupted by the deep scrape.

About half an hour ago, the train had started moving again. No one had entered this cart, luckily.

It looked like it was a supply wagon, filled with labelled compartments which were unreadable due to the dim lighting, coming from a single blue strip on the curved ceiling. Everything was made of a sterile-looking silver, with white borders and handles.

The contents of the boxes rattled from time to time, so I suspected they contained spare parts or something similar.

I fumbled with a loose bolt on the floor, twisting it loose, and then tight again. From time to time, I would be shaken around by the movement of the train, losing my balance for a second, but catching myself. For the rest, the ride was pretty smooth—and soundless.

Until now.

A thump sounded behind the door, like a pair of heavy boots jumping on it from a height.

I shot with my hand to my dagger on my hip, holding it in front of me.

I wouldn't make this easy for them.

Soft beeps, followed by what I recognised to be error beeps, came from the general direction of the door. I grinned faintly.

Thanks, Jaedie.

Before I had chosen my spot behind the box, I had pulled some cables loose, which should keep the door from opening from the other side.

It was pretty easy, since the locks were most advanced from the outside, to keep people out. Why would they have to place advanced locks on the inside? It was not like the cargo would try to escape.

Jaedie once told me how to rig the system. Pull the blue cord, then push the button with the X on it.

Or was it the green cord?

I started doubting myself. Had she said green or blue?

It didn't matter, they couldn't get in, and that was what it was about.

It was quiet for a second.

Then, all of a sudden, the control panel next to the door started sparking and smoking softly.

The lamp next to the door burned red, and the door slid open. The sound of wind rushing past the open door filled the train cart.

A trio came through the threshold.

I couldn't see their faces, only their silhouettes against the flickering artificial white light that came from outside the wagon.

There were two boys, and one girl. The girl was about as tall as the smaller boy, and it looked like she was holding a curved knife in her left hand.

They didn't notice me.

The smaller boy turned towards the panel, and started fumbling with the cords.

"It looks like someone messed up the controls," he said, letting go of the cords. "One plus, they also messed up the alarm! Thanks, random person," he mumbled.

The tallest boy turned around, and I saw he had something like a sword strapped against his back. "Good," he said. "Get the supplies." He grabbed one of the railings attached to the ceiling of the cart, to retain his balance.

The train was still moving, and suddenly it shook, making me fall over. I fell against the box, making it shake in the otherwise silent wagon.

The girl pointed her curved knife towards my direction. "I heard something," she whispered, her voice a bit raspy for a woman.

The boy swirled around as well, pulling his sword from his back as fast as lightning. I swallowed, the weapon was about as long as my arm, and probably very sharp.

"Who is there," the boy with the sword said, also pointing it in my direction. "Show yourself."

I closed my eyes, staying as still as possible, hidden behind the box.

"Come out," he said again, "I can hear you breathe."


I heard light footsteps walking towards the box. The girl, probably.

"Oh look," she said, "It's a girl."


Oooooh! What will happen?

What do you hope/think will happen? Let me know in the comments! I am really curious what you think! :o

So. Uhm.

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(Yes, that includes you, silent reader. I know you're reading this.)

Thanks guys!!

-xoxo Vivian

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