Questions part 1

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Q :@ShadowBloodPack : Can I be your pet? ~Symmetrical BloodyThePup

 A: Yes, you may be Symmetrical pet.

Q:@MsAimeAddict123 :Hmmmm...Let's see......What would you do if a mob of fangirls chased you around, andI grabbed a lawn chair and watched while eating popcorn? XD *Innocent smile* >.<

A:I would ride on Beelzebub and lead the mob of fagirls you direction.Then they will all run over you.^_^

Q:@Pineaplesnakes :What if that guy with a gun came to your house and toilet papered your trees SO THEY WERE UNSYMMETRICAL?!

A:  ... Frirst.I would fix my trees. Second. I WOULD SHOOT THE MANS FACE TO ASYMMETRICAL GARBAGE!!

Thank you for your questions.

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