Jeff nodded. "Good idea. So I won't be bored by you."

You glared at him and shook your head. "Why do you even want to come if my way is stupid and I'm so boring?"

"I guess I want your victims to feel real terror before they die." He said, shrugging.

"Are you saying I'm not scary enough for my victims?" You asked, walking down the stairs and towards the front door.

"That's exactly what I'm saying, doll."

"Well, for me, it's not really about being scary. It's about being effective. Being helpful. You know, making someone's life just a little bit brighter?"

"No, I wouldn't know. I don't waste my time on that shit." Jeff mumbled.

You huffed, rolling you eyes at Jeff. "Whatever. And don't call me 'doll'. I'm not afraid to hurt you, whether we're friends or not."

Jeff simply scoffed in response and began making his way forward.

The two of you walked through the forest silently. You lost yourself in the serene noises surrounding you.

Birds chirped, leaves rustled. Branches snapped underfoot. Bugs buzzed in your ear. You had to admit, it had been a while since you paid attention to the small things that nature had to offer. Then again, it's been a long time since you've felt this happy. Even though you were walking side by side with a psychotic killer, famous for his face and smile, you felt great.

A phrase fluttered into your thoughts, and before you knew you were even saying it, it spilled out.

"Thank you."

"For what?" Jeff asked, his eyes meeting yours.

You brushed a strand of hair out of your eyes, biting your lip gently in thought.

"For letting me stay. And for saving me so many years ago." You said.

Jeff stayed silent for a bit, his eyes refocusing on the environment in front of you.

"I wouldn't say I saved you. I just hate the idea of rape. It's sick." He growled.

"And killing isn't?"


You gazed at Jeff's profile. You never really thought to do so up until this point. You also never considered that he could be attractive. Beneath his attitude and actions, he was a handsome boy, not all that much older than you.

"You like what you see? I'm beautiful, right?" Jeff stated.

"There's more to it than just hating rape. You could've killed me if you wanted to. I was a witness."

"You were a victim."


"Look, we may be friends now, but I'm not going to explain what I did years ago, because truthfully, I didn't have a reason for keeping you alive. I just did. And I don't know why. You don't know why, nobody does. So let's leave it at that."

"Sorry I asked." You muttered. You didn't believe him, though. He was a notorious killer. There's no way he would just keep someone alive without a reason.

"Right, well, this is where we separate for now." Jeff said, looking at you.

"Meet back here in a half hour?"

Jeff nodded, taking off into the night.

You made your way towards Austin's house. He texted you earlier, needed to talk urgently. You already knew what house you were going to hit tonight, so it was the perfect time to go talk.

When you arrived at his house, you entered through the back door.

"Austin?" You called out.

"Over here." He replied from his room.

You made your way up the stairs hurriedly, banging into his room.

"What'd did you need to talk about?" You asked, hopping onto his bed and smirking up at him.

He looked at you, pausing what he was doing. There was a duffel bag in front of him, full of clothes and weapons. Wolff strolled in, jumping up onto the bed next to you. He laid his head in your lap, and you began stroking his fur.

Austin's lips formed a frown. "We haven't gotten to hang out much lately. And now I have to leave. The Guardians are sending me out to some place to train some new recruits or something. I didn't hear anything about this until now. But I guess it just kinda happened and they need me to help train them. And I think my mom is also in trouble."

"Austin, let me come with you. I can help. Maybe not with the whole training thing, since I'm not one of you, but I could help you with your mom. What's wrong?" You asked, your smirk dropping from your face, replaced by a look of concern.

Austin's mom had always been nice to you. She treated you just like family, and offered to help you whenever you needed it. It was also nice to talk girl talk with her, considering Austin, though he is your best friend, wouldn't understand the half of it.

"No. You aren't coming to help. If something were to happen to both of you, well... It'd be all my fault. And it's something I need to do, on my own. I'll be back, I promise." Austin gave you a reassuring smile.

You didn't return his smile, not convinced. You were worried. He was always there to help you. And now, all you could do was sit back and hope he and his mom would return safely.

"So what? Do I have to say goodbye right now?" You asked.

"No. I'm leaving tomorrow afternoon. Do you wanna spend the night? Get one last time to hangout before I leave?"

Without even thinking, you nodded. "I just have one problem. I'm supposed to be meeting Jeff by the woods in about, 10 minutes. He wanted to come along and watch me kill tonight."

Austin's smile faltered. "Oh... Go ahead then. Next time."

"Nah. I'll go tell him. I'll be back. Don't get too lonely." You said, getting off the bed and walking out of the room.

"Be safe."

"Yeah, yeah." You laughed and rolled your eyes as you left the house.

You made it to the 'meeting spot' and saw Jeff's pale figure there, staring at the sky.

You poked his shoulder from behind. Jeff turned to look at you.

"Did you find a house?" He asked.

"About that..." You giggled nervously, shifting on your feet.

"Change of plans."

Love Is A Psychopath [Jeff the Killer X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now