WALL-E is a cannibal robot who destroyed Earth

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Sweet and cuddly robot in a post-apocalyptic setting or merciless scavenger molding the new world to his liking? According to one Reddit user, definitely the latter:

The Earth recovery act was going perfectly fine until one WALL-E unit went rogue. This particular unit wasn't very good at its job, often refusing to crush particular object. Instead it wanted to keep these trinkets as treasures. However all the other units were still indiscriminately compacting everything, including trinkets this particular WALL-E wanted. So this rogue unit began destroying all the other units and cannibalizing their parts. It continued its senseless cannibalism until there weren't enough WALL-E units left to combat the growing problems of Earth. Its continued cannibalism allow this rogue unit to continue operating long past is original operational life span, continuing to function for over 700 years. Alone, he can now selective pull out and protect his trinkets while still compacting all the rest of the earths junk.

In the movie we see tons of mindless parts cannibalism preformed by our protagonist. He takes the trends off of a fallen comrade without a second thought. He hoards the parts of his dead brothers in his trailer along with all his precious trinkets that he had to protect from all the other WALL-E units. The reason why there is still so much trash on earth despite 700 years of compacting is because all the other compactors were killed early on and thus for 700 years only 1 unit has been working on the trash instead of a whole plant worth of units.

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