The Lion & The Lamb ~ Part 3

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This is part three of the upcoming SL!

Victoria is back! Creating a newborn army of vampires to get revenge for the death of James. Bella and Edward are still madly in love. Edward still wants Bella to marry him, but she has one condition; he changes her.

Mordred wants Bella to choose him. He can give her a life where she doesnt have to say goodbye to anyone. But she's set on becoming a vampire.. Will Mordred get what he wants? Or will she choose Edward?

The vampires, wolves an sorceres come together to defeat the newborn army. Will Bella save Edward's life once again? Jasper is the leader of this fight; being apart of a newborn army in his early years of being a vampire.

Bella finally agrees to marry Edward and Mordred finds out about this and becomes very angry. Will this lead to a massive fight? But Bella would always be the woman in the middle.

Victoria now dead. Could they live in peace for a while? Or would there be more throuble?

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