#002 (Carter)

138 6 0

Dear A 7/8/15,

Hey Ash...I'm writing again. Sorry for yesterdays letter. I was kinda harsh. I didn't mean it. Um...I was looking through the album that we made years ago. I found one of my drawings. You know, the one with the two bunny rabbits? Its also will be in the envelop. A copy of the picture I mean. So you can....I don't know have it or something? Do you ever think of ever coming back ans hanging out like we use to? I do...I mean, c'mon we were best friends....don't tell me you don't miss that. Sorry I'm getting a big headed. But I really do miss us. I hope you're doing okay with the band...so...um...yah. I'll write too you tomorrow I guess....its not like you're gonna even write back or anything...okay. bye Ash.


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