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Chapter 3

"Alright, guys, if we don't shoot Game Bang now, we're never going to get it done!" Wes urged, setting up equipment as he spoke. The other Smosh members were either on their phones, chatting, or, in Mari's case, passed out on the couch.

Anthony sighed and got up, heading into the Game Bang room. Ian followed him, and the rest of the members weren't far behind. Lasercorn nudged Mari's foot to wake her up, and she stretched and finally headed into the game room. Wes was already there, getting cameras ready.

"What game are we shooting today? I swear, if it's another episode of Just Dance," Ian shook his head to show his loathing for the game.

"Nah, we're doing Mario Kart!" Joven cheered, throwing his hands up in the air like a five-year-old getting ready to go to a candy store. Mari groaned.

"I SUCK at Mario Kart!" she protested. Joven and Lasercorn grinned evilly at her.

"And guess what the punishment is..." Lasercorn wheedled, holding up a can of whipped cream. Mari narrowed her eyes. She couldn't lose.

* * *

She lost.

By a lot, actually. The guys were all laughing at her the whole time, and she had to admit, it was kind of funny just how bad she was. Not that Ian was very good, either. But she was the worst, which meant that she was about the get whipped creamed.

Anthony handed out cans of whipped cream.

Mari closed her eyes and braced herself.

"One...two...." Ian grinned.

"THREE!" the guys all shouted together, spraying whipped cream all over poor Mari. Minutes later, she was covered in it entirely. Nobody could even see her face.

The guys didn't stop until the cans were empty. Mari wiped Reddi Whip off her face and out of her eyes.

"Okay, then. WHO WANTS A HUG?" she hollered, stretching out her arms and running towards Joven, who screeched like a little girl and ran in the opposite direction. Mari changed course and grabbed Sohinki, who was soon covered in whipped cream as well. Anthony was laughing until Mari threw some at him, getting it in his too-well-styled hair. He looked grumpy, but he wiped it out of his hair and smeared it on Ian's face, who yelled at him and grabbed him in a headlock.

"GAME BANG!" they all laughed. When they looked up, Lasercorn was the only one not covered in whipped cream. He quickly ran out of the room so as to stay that way.

"I need a shower," Mari giggled. She rushed off toward the bathroom.

"I can probably just clean up in the sink," said Ian, considering he had gotten off easy.

"Me, too," agreed Anthony. The two headed off towards the kitchen.

"I guess I'll use the other bathroom," Sohinki muttered. Joven stood there, still dripping in Reddi Whip.

"What do I do?" he screeched. Lasercorn poked his head in the room.

"You can use the hose," he chuckled. Joven hung his head and went outside to hose himself off. "Actually, you may not need to, with all this rain," Lasercorn called after him. Joven ended up being able to stand outside for ten minutes and get entirely clean because it was raining so hard.

* * *

An hour later, everyone was free of whipped cream. Anthony was grumpy because they had run out of hair gel and he couldn't style his hair, so it lay all flat and funny looking. Ian had assured him that he still looked "fabulous" though. This led to plenty of "Ianthony" comments and teasing.

A little while later, Ian had made dinner for everyone. He was a decent cook, although the only thing he knew how to make was spaghetti. It didn't bother anyone, though. They were all too hungry to protest.

"This is really good, Ian," Joven said with his mouth full. Mari shot him a dirty look and he stuck out a meatball-covered tongue. Sohinki pretended to gag.

"Gross, dude," he laughed at Joven. The rest of the dinner passed without a lot of conversation as everyone stuffed their faces. Anthony cleared the table and took care of the dishes (with much complaining) as the rest of the group slumped on the couches in the main room, their stomachs full but happy.

"So, Mari, I had no idea that you were so...bad at Mario Kart," Ian laughed. Mari punched him in the shoulder.

"Hey! You didn't do so well either," she protested. Ian gave a mock hurt face.

"Well, I kicked all of your asses," Sohinki smirked. Joven scooted over on the couch and sat on top of Sohinki.

"I was better," he said, bouncing up and down on top of poor Sohinki, who sounded like he was about to die of Joven-ness.

"Joven, get off him. You're going to squish him," Mari told Joven.

"Okay, I'll get off him," Joven agreed. He looked at Lasercorn and whispered, not-so-subtlely, "Marhinki."

Mari rolled her eyes. The stupid Marinki obsession between the group had been going on ever since she and Peter had separated. Sohinki blushed.

"Oh, please. Mari's too fabulous for me," he said, striking a pose. The rest of the group laughed.

"Oh, so you are interested!" Joven put Sohinki in a headlock. Sohinki shoved him off.

"Come on, dude," he punched Joven in the shoulder. "Is this stupid storm ever going to stop?"

Lasercorn raised his eyebrows at Sohinki's desperate attempt to change the subject, but he decided to let it go. "I doubt it. I don't think I could drive home right now if I wanted to."

As if on cue, the lights went out.

"What happened?" Joven sounded like a terrified six-year-old.

"Calm down, Joven. The power went out," Anthony called, matter-of-factly. "It'll come back on in a minute."

The group settled back in to wait for the power to come back on. Only it didn't.

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