Rachel nodded, squeezing PJ's hand.

"You two have a beautiful home," PJ complimented, smiling genuinely.

"Funny story," Bernard began, glancing at a nostalgic-looking Essi. "We actually lived in a three bedroom house before this. It was cramped and small and often smelly, but we liked it. We had plenty of money to go and buy a new one, with all of our success and such, but we loved it so dearly. Our money was piling up in the bank, and the market was looking good, so Nicholas finally convinced us to move. He's such a good person, PJ, you'll love him."

"What about me?" at that moment, Nicholas sauntered in, his arm wrapped around the waist of a tall Aisan woman.

"Nicholas, my boy!" Essi and Bernard did the same routine of popping up to hug the newcomer, only this time with Rachel and a hesitant PJ.

"Vivian! So great to see you," Essi said warmly, hugging the woman.

"Good to see you too," she returned, before strutting over to Rachel and PJ. "You must be the infamous Shel!"

"And you must be the infamous Vivian," Rachel replied, a lot less enthusiastic than anyone in the room. "Meet PJ, my boyfriend."

Vivian's eyes swept to PJ, and she gave him a toothy smile. "Nice to meet you. According to Nicholas, you're a business man? Nicky himself actually runs a high scale mortgage company."

PJ's eyes widened and he looked at Rachel, who had the same expression, with just a tint of guilt added.

"No, he had a business meeting, he's not a business man. He-"

"I write and direct films and post them online."

Vivian nodded in appreciation, before showcasing that same toothy grin. "This should be fun."

- - - - - - - - - -

The meeting with Rachel's parents had come to an end the same way it had started -- awkward. Although when everyone was there and speaking to each other, it was magnificent. Everyone seemed truly captivated by PJ whenever he spoke, whether about his work, or his partially made up stories with Rachel. Bernard, Nicholas, Essi, and Vivian all loved him, and PJ was beginning to like them as well. And as stupid as it sounded, PJ actually wanted to see them all again, posing as Rachel's boyfriend. It was fun, and the people were nice, nothing like their mansion would have made them out to be. He'd learned a lot more about Rachel too, like the fact that she wanted to end up being a model when she was a kid. His "girlfriend" immediately blushed, which he immediately teased her about, and then Rachel punched his arm.

Plus, PJ had refrained from calling Rachel anything other than Shel the whole time, not counting their fake pet names for each other. PJ had successfully convinced the Greens that he was a caring boyfriend to their daughter, when in reality, he was nothing but some guy she happened to run into twice. That fact really tore away at his heart, and he subconciously decided he'd miss holding Rachel's hand.

Either way, Rachel and PJ's time together had more than likely come to an end, and it was time for them to leave.

Everyone had hugged each other and said goodbye, and began shuffling towards the door.

"Actually, Vivian, I've got a meeting to go to, so I'll see you when I get home."

Vivian pouted at her boyfriend's words before kissing his cheek and saying, "Have fun."

Nicholas laughed little, replying, "I will. I love you."

"I love you too."

"I mean it. I need to get going, now." Nicholas dashed out, leaving a dazed Vivian in the dust.

Essi squealed, squeezing her husband's arm. "Look at those two! A great match, I think. They've only been dating for three months, I think. Shel, haven't you and PJ been dating for double that?"

"Yeah," Rachel replied distractedly, putting all of her stuff in her bag simultanesouly.

"Well those two are already exchanging meaningful 'I love you's'," her mother said, looking sheepishly away, just like her daugher would do. PJ laughed internally.

"Oh, well," Rachel looked up at PJ. "We have too."

PJ nodded and looked warmly at Rachel, before turning towards Essi and Bernard.

"Look at my two children! With their happy relationships! I could never be prouder," Mrs. Green said, looking at her husband happily.

"Okay, mum," Rachel breathed out, intertwining her hand with PJ's. "We're going now."

"Bye, love!" her parents shouted, quicklt adding, "Bye, PJ!"

The two waved goodbye, before quickly retreating to Rachel's car. "You're a pretty good actor," she complimented, putting her keys in the ignition.

"You aren't so bad yourself."

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