Chapter Thirteen- Andrew

Start from the beginning

Kathleen turned to me, and asked quietly,

"That's a good sign." I looked at her bewildered. I didn't know what she was talking about. She sighed and smiled while she spoke,

"She looked at us. She is yearning. When she saw you looking though she smiled, a totally real smile. She was actually happy to see you. I just know it. All during the shopping trip she was slipping up. Letting her hurt and jealousy flow in her words toward me." I put up my hand to her, silencing her and questioned,

"Wait. Jealousy? Charlotte is not jealous. Just rejected. Hurt. I am the jealous one her remember." I pointed to myself and she just rolled her eyes. The door opened and the others walked in. Suddenly my mouth was occupied. It took me a moment to get over my shock to realize Kathleen was kissing me. It wasn't real kiss, she was just putting her lips to mine. I glances toward the door to see Charlotte's smiling, pain evident in her eyes. She looked away then, and busied herself with the hem of her shirt.

Kathleen released my mouth, and then actually blushed as she turned toward the audience. She giggled and then said quietly,

"Sorry guys. Didn't see you there." Instantly I saw a change in Charlotte. She didn't look like a rejected friend, but a jealous teenage girl who had her heart broken. She didn't smile. She scowled. She didn't slouch or slump, she crossed her arms and stood tall. She was so beautiful, at the same time threatening. I wanted to hold her.

"Yeah you looked a bit distracted." Charlotte remarked, her words dripping with... something unrecognizable. Kathleen just giggled and blushed some more. I was baffled, and utterly speechless. I had no clue as to what I was to say. James looked at me and just shook his head. He rolled his eyes and sighed. He then looked to Kathleen and gave her a helpless shoulder shrug. She shrugged too, and then she walked to the kitchen. Soon everyone followed.

I was confused beyond compare.

Once they all left, James stayed behind. He looked at me condescendingly, and I just stared at him utterly clueless. He groaned and then whispered to me,

"You are hopeless, man. Seriously, what is wrong with you! She want's you too man." I snapped out of my dazed trance and turned my attention to his words. What was he talking about? I gave him another clueless look and he just groaned again,

"Just get this right on the date tomorrow man. You can not screw up again." I just stood there like an utter fool. I was a fool. A clueless fool.

"Alright." was my genius response. He just sighed and went into the kitchen.

I hit my head on the wall. It felt wonderful so I hit again, and again. Each hit clearing away more and more of the fog clouding my thinking. I heard some one clear their throat, and I turned.


She giggled and then spoke to me. It was wonderful to hear her speak to me again,

"You alright there? Need an aspirin or something?" I chuckled at that. She was still Charlotte my best friend. That meant nothing anymore though. I remembered my earlier resolve and I straightened up. I dropped my smile and spoke with finality.

"We need to talk." She stiffened at the words. I was slightly puzzled, but assumed it was just the sudden tone of my voice. I continued anyway,

"Charlotte I have something to tell you... I-" she raised her hand ,cutting me off. She looked broken. The last time I saw her like this was when her father beat her that last time. She was absolutely shattered. That was the look she wore now, and I wanted to runaway with her right then. To take away the sadness and pain she was feeling now, and make her happy. I was the cause of her pain though, I couldn't make her happy.

"Stop Andrew." My heart swelled when I heard her say my name again. It was the most wonderful sound I've ever heard. I wanted her to say it again and again till I forgot it was my own name, and instead just a lovely melody. It was magical, she continued though,

"I just- I just can't do this anymore. I can't handle this. I need to let go, move on. I need a clean break Andy." My heart sunk when she called me Andy. Everyone called me Andy, except for Charlotte. We always made sure to use each other's full names. It was our special code that said we were best friends, and different from all our other friends. Now she was no different.

"Charlotte. I really need to-." Again I was cut of this time by her words, tears streaming down her face, she spoke to me,

"I don't want to hear it! I don't need your apologies, nor do I want them. You made your choice Andrew, now live with it. I hope you two are happy." With that she made a move for the door. I grabbed her wrist to stop her, and spoke to her quickly,

"Charlotte I am sorry, but that's not all... I-" She turned around slapped my face.

"That's enough Andrew. I'm through." She wriggled out of my hold on her wrist, and went to the door. She opened it and paused before going through,

"I really do hope you are happy Andrew. I'll always love you." her voice was barely audible so I wasn't sure I heard her correctly. With that, she swiftly left and slammed the door behind her. I just stared after her. A single tear made it's way down my stinging cheek where she had slapped it.

"I love you Charlotte."


AH! DRAMA! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! It was a bit difficult to write I admit, these two are just so stubborn AAH! But never the less, lot's is happening now... story is on the move and I can't wait for the DATE! I hope you all are enjoying the ride. This story is not over yet! Still far to go and I hope you stay along for the journey!

Author's Note:

so many may think Charlotte was a bit harsh to Andrew. But you must remember she is heartbroken. When one suffers a broken heart, they do everything in their power to avoid more pain. Andrew's depression scene is not long lasting believe me. I just wanted to show some effects he is having from her. Charlott'es P.O.V. next. Moving forward!

Love to all, thanks as well,

Yours truly always,

Lily Avenue

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