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In all my nineteen years of existence as a werewolf, I had been expected to believe that the life of my kind is fairly simple. We are born, fastforward a couple years and we shift into our natural form, then at the age of eighteen we follow a scent that leads us to our mate whom we spend the rest of our lives with and live happily ever after until finally the moon goddess decides our time is up.

What no one ever told me, however, was that this expectation is a load of crap wrapped up in decieving and pretty packaging.

Fate is a bitch and you never know what the hell she will throw in your face. All that I could ever possibly tell you is that your present from fate will come to you in the most unexpected way in the most unpredictable form.

Even if that form is a ridiculously good looking Alpha that irritates the living hell out of you.

But, hey, it's a present so why not have a little fun while you're at it.

My name is Lucinda Rosalyn Pierce and this is the story of how I ended up falling for my gift from fate.

Hi guys thanks for checking out my new story and you should definitely stick around for more. If you liked a part in this please hit that little star button and comment below. Also, I want to dedicate this to my best friend in the whole world kwaylakitty  for giving me the courage to upload this. Thanks for never giving up on me :)

- Ella Hernandez (CityOf_Fandoms)

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