"Stop Silver, tell her John" my mother cries out.

I run out, thankfully I have my keys in hand from opening the door. I run to where my car was park, unlock in, get in and drive before anyone can stop me.

I don't really know how to feel. A huge part of my life has been a lie.


I drove for about an two hour before stopping at the side of a random road.

I pulled out my phone and notice and have various calls and text from Mom, Kayla and Bradley. I ignore them and call Tyde, he's been by best friend since forever, the person I rely on the most, even more than Kayla.

After a few rings he answers.

"Hey you're back, how was the trip", he says in his cheery voice.

"Yeah em can I stay at yours tonight" I say quietly.

"Sure, is everything ok" he asks concerned.

"Not really, I'll tell you when I get there" I reply

"Ok, I'll wait up for you bud".

"Thanks, I'll be there soon"

I turn off my phone and make my way to Tyde's apartment.


I'm currently lying in tyde's spare bedroom. I told him everything once I got there and he cheered me up for a while; we watched movies and ate junk food until I realized he was getting tired so I suggested we both go to bed.

I texted Kayla to let her know I was fine and staying the night at Tyde's, I didn't want her to worry, she did nothing wrong.

I'm just lying in bed staring at ceiling still trying to process everything. I haven't cry or anything, I mean it's devastating and life changing stuff, but I don't do tears.

I hear a light knock at the front door so I get up to go open it, Tyde'll probably sleep through the knocking, he's one of the extremely deep sleepers.

I look through the peephole to check who it was and notice the familiar head to brown curls. Bradley.

I open the door, "Bradley what are you doing here".

"Silver, thank god", he sighs "are you okay".

"I'm fine, how did you find me?" I ask.

"Kayla told me where you were, I was worried so I came to check on you" he explains.

I suddenly remember that I had received calls and texts from him also, "I'm sorry, I should've got back to you", I say feeling guilty.

"No it's fine, I was just worried after you ran" he tells me.

"I'm okay" I say walking back into the apartment and he follow after shutting the door, we walk into Tyde's kitchen and grab a bottle of water, "do you want something to drink or eat?" I ask unscrewing the bottle and taking a sip

"No I'm good", he pauses "are you sure you're okay" he looks at me concerned.

"Yeah" I try to convince him, "I think I'm more shocked that anything, but I guess I should've known by how cold he's always been towards me"

He doesn't say anything but step forward and pulls me into his chest, hugging me tightly. It feels good to be in his strong arms, I give into his warm hug and wrap myself around his waist.

I begin to feel tears running down my cheeks and finally let myself sob into his chest as my hands fist the material of his jumper.

"Sshhh it's okay", he says softly, his hands gently stoking my hair.

We stay like this until my sobs turn in to light sniffles, I slowly pull away looking down at my feet, slightly embarrassed about my outburst.

His hand rest on my shoulders as he bends his knee slightly so he's at eye level with me, I look into his concerned eyes as his hand moves up and gently wipes my damp cheeks.

I give him a small smile, which he returns before pulling me into another hug.

"I just don't know what I'm suppose to do now", I mumble to his chest.

"Just give it time, you'll figure it out I promise" he says quietly

I close my eyes and take into his scent. It's weird how confortable I feel around him; we really did get close during the trip. I don't usually let people in this quickly but Bradley seems to have broken though a couple lays of the walls I put up.

Without thinking I lift my head looking up at him while he looks down brows furrowed. I lean up and pressed my lips to his soft ones. We move slowly in sync; this was the fist non-sexual kiss we've had and it felt completely different. He rubs gentle circles on my back with one hand while the other stokes my hair. I pull away and his forehead rests on mine, I close my eyes and take in a deep breath.

"Will you stay here with me tonight" I ask quietly.

"If you want me to", he say just as quietly.

I take his hand I lead him to the spare room I'm staying in. I let go of his hand and crawl into the bed as he shuts the door before climbing in next to me. He pulls me close by the waist so my head rests in the crook of his neck. One of his hands softly plays with my hand, which rests on his chest, while the other stokes my hair that I've began to find extremely comforting.

My eyes grow tired and I slowly drift into sleep in Brads arms.

Silver Lining - Bradley Will Simpson FanficWhere stories live. Discover now