8. Enemy

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In the pic is Bianca^

Recap: "Remember when I had you like that against the lockers?" He asked smirking

A lump was in my throat so all I did was nod

"When we were in this position this was all I wanted to do to you" He leaned in.

Omg is he really going to kiss me...
He came closer to where our noses were touching then to where I felt his lips brush up against mine softly only inches away.
But then the door busted open and I moved him away quickly as a boy entered.

"Woah what's a girl doing in here? Wait was I interrupting something?" He asked

Me and Andre answered at the same time with me saying No and Andre saying Yes looking a little bit pissed off.

"Well I should start heading to class. Actually no detention because I'm extra late anyway" I said walking out the bathroom passing the boy.

When am I ever gonna be able to actually go to class

I thought to myself

As I started to walk to class, I seen Bianca (The head cheerleader) with a couple of cheerleaders beside her.
Me and Bianca used to be bestfriends until Freshman year where she changed up on me and started hanging out with the "Popular" kids or should I say the schools jerks.
She wears clothes that are too short and tight. She wears things that show her cleavage and She wears TOO much makeup, Just to get a guy's attention.

They all were laughing and giggling until Bianca looked up and seen me.

Tbh I don't really know why she doesn't like me anymore, What did I ever do to her?

I thought to myself

They made their way over to me stopping me from going to class. Well Detention.

"Excuse Me" I said tryna get through them politely but that didn't work.
"Hello Sophia" Bianca said with a disgusted tone in her voice.
"Hi Bianca" I mimicked her.
"I just have to tell you one thing and I hope it will be my last time telling you to stay away from Andre" She said putting her finger in my face.

I grabbed her wrist moving her finger out of my face "One. Don't even in your life put your finger in my face because I will whoop your ass if you ever do that shit again" Anger was boiling inside of me from the way I was starting to curse.

"Two. I would be glad to stay away from Andre but he's the one always coming up to me. So get your facts straight before you step to me trying to "confront" me about something" I started to squeeze Bianca's wrist as I got even more mad.

I could see she was in pain just by looking at her face "And Three. Get the fuck outta my way so I can get to my fucking detention oh yeah thanks to Andre. So tell your so called 'friends' to move!" I threw her wrist down leaving a red hand mark around it.

She moved out of my way and so did her 'friends'.

I walked to detention still pissed off.

Bianca is so fucking annoying I should've beat the shit Out of her.

I thought to myself

I walked into the detention room and closed the door. Well more like slammed because I was still mad and I had to take my anger out on something but that didn't work either.

I slamming another detention note that I got on the teachers desk waking him up but then he just went back to sleep.
Well of course the boys were in the detention room like always except for Andre.

I sat down as the boys watched my every movement "What's wrong with you?" the twins said in unison.

I just ignored them and put my headphones in because music was the only thing that was going to calm me down.
I turned on my music as How Many Times By Dj Khaled came on and I turned the volume all the way up so I could escape from this world.

All of a sudden Andre walks in. He's covered in red lipstick. His clothes are messed up. And he smells like Bianca's perfume not seeming to care.

Didn't I just see her not too long ago?

Well we all know who he was with. He's always with his little slutty helpers.

I thought to myself

He came in smirking looking at the guys.
I looked back to see that they weren't smirking back they all were just staring at me.
I rolled my eyes then turned around as Andre looked down at me with curious eyes.

He took one of my headphones out "What's wrong?" He asked I just ignored him, grabbed my headphone back and put it back in.

He got up from his seat standing in front of me.
He was talking to the guys but I couldn't hear what they were saying because my headphones were blasted but I could care less.
Suddenly I was lifted up and put over a shoulder. The bad part is that my headphones fell out my ears and my phone was left alone with the boys.

My lucky day huh? First Andre tries to kiss me. Then the schools bitch pisses me off. And now my musical child is left in a room with boys I do not trust.

I thought to myself

I was banging on Andre's back trying to escape from his grip but it didn't work.

He giggled "Having fun Princess, You know your not gonna be able to get outta my grip so just stop" I knew I could prove him wrong so I did.

I stopped for like a few seconds then when he relaxed I kneed him in his stomach making him loosen his grip, Escaping his arms.

"So I can't escape your grip huh?" I said feeling accomplished.
"Well I was just about to put you down at the same exact spot you are in but okay" He said holding his stomach "And can you please stop kicking me in my stomach?" He added.

He was silent for a moment and then spoke "So what's wrong with you?" He asked.
"Why do you even care" I replied

He stayed silent and didn't say anything. I could tell he was fighting with himself with what to say next but ended up not saying anything.

"That's what I thought" I said walking away.

Suddenly he grabbed my arm, Spinning me around.

I tried to look up at him to see what he wanted but before I actually could look at his face, He crashed our lips together.

Well...Yup I finally updated

Sorry it took a while because you know it's summer and I have things to do.

But I promise I'll try to update quicker next time.

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