Epilogue (Sage's POV)

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One year later. The castle council has passed the amendment to the rules of the kingdom, the rules that had to do with arranged marriages. No longer would women be forced to marry someone chosen by the men of the house. They would now have the same freedoms as the men of the family, to choose their own marriage partner, to move from the castle whenever they did find this person, the only restriction being that they would have to come back for important events happening in the kingdom. Sage and Liam have become closer and closer, heading back to London to live in Liam's apartment so he could continue with One Direction. Upon Liam's proposal, however, they made the consecutive decision to come live at the castle for a few months to allow Sage's mother to plan the wedding out. Although there is one difference. The wedding is being held in the traditional church of the kingdom, but will not have any of the royal provisions. It will be like any normal persons wedding, with normal guests, normal decorations, a normal dress. A normal husband for Princess Sage..

Even if it is Liam Payne..


"Eleanor, it looks perfectly fine."

A groan escaped my lips, for about the fourth time, when she slapped my shoulder to quiet me. The curling iron wrapped in her palm dipped back down in my hair, her dainty hands pulling up another strand to wrap around the slim sliver rod on the end of the device. 

"It must look absolutely perfect. Although I'm sure Liam will still love you either way," She smirked mischievously as a small blush crept to my cheeks are her words. None the less, I slumped my shoulders and glared at her through the miniature sized mirror placed in the corner wall of the church's dressing room.

"All right, all right, this is the last curl and then I'll let you get your dress on, okay?" I perked up at her words, my shoulders throwing back as I anxiously waited for her to finish. This earned a few chuckles from around the room, coming from my mother and one of the castle maids that mother had insisted on bringing along if we needed any help with my look. 

"All done!" Eleanor cheered, yanking the black cord from the wall, placing the still hot iron onto the ground. "Now, dress time."

I shuffled across the small room to the spacious bathroom in the corner, pulling open the door and standing at wait on the inside. Eleanor passed over the large brown bag protecting the garment from anything, that same wide smile still plastered on her features. "Thanks," I murmured gently, pulling it inside and closing the door in one swift motion.

Slowly, I picked myself from my clothes, tossing them to the opposite wall to gather later. Chewing on my bottom lip, I grasped the tiny, metal zipper in my fingers, gently pulling it down and around so the bag was hanging open with the white dress on full view. As gingerly as a cat on a tight rope, I pulled it from the hanger, pulling the zipper down on the back so I could step inside of it. 

I pulled it all the way up past my chest, fitting perfectly around my stomach due to many prior fittings. Reaching around, I zipped it up as far as my body would allow, chewing on my bottom lip the whole time. Hesitantly, I turned to look at my full appearance in the mirror.

The dress was simple, but had uniqueness to it. It was the traditional white color, strapless, that had almost no pattern above the tight seam around my hips. A few diamonds poked around on the white fabric near my chest and scattered around. Below my hips it fell, not in ruffles, but in waterfall like ripples. The fabric was silky to appearance and touch, a thin layer of netting below it to help keep it's volume. 

Basically it was beautiful. 

It wasn't a passed down wedding dress, like my mother's was. I had insisted since I was the first to marry when it wasn't forced, that I would wear a dress that was new and improved, unique. Like my marriage was to be. New. Different. Unusual to what the kingdom has seen in centuries. 

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