Chapter One: The 'Friendly' Get Together

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A teens fingers flew across his keyboard, typing angrily. His yellowish eyes flashed in rage at a new video game he was playing. In the mist of his rage, he heard a holler from downstairs in his house.

He sighed loudly. His mother was calling him for dinner.  He slipped off his grey jacket he had been wearing and walked downstairs from his room. When he arrived to the dinner table, his dad was sitting in his seat, and his mom was too; pork chops sat in all of their plates. The teen sat down, thinking about how he didn't really like pork.

After his family prayed, they all began to eat. They chatted about events that had happened in the day while they ate. It was mostly Mom and Dad talking about family and friends. Aim just sat there, picking at his pork and soon finished most of it. He threw away his paper plate, keeping some of his pork in his pocket. He walked over to the laundry room where his dogs were at, handing them each a piece of pork. Hysterical, his brown small dog jumped around, sneezing up a storm, while his black dog just snapped once, swallowing the pork whole.

He walked back to the dining table, picking up his cup of water and sipping from it. "Did you get the mail?" Dad asked, passing his plate to his wife for her wash it after she was done. Aim shook his head, walking to the front door. "Nope, I'll get it now though." He said, grabbing the mailbox key and walking outside.

He crouched down slightly, sticking the key in the lock and open the mailbox. Some mail was piled up there, most of it looking like bills. He grabbed it, locked the mailbox, and closed it.

He set the mail on the table for his dad to see. He began helping his mom clean the table. He had just finished clearing the table when he Dad called to his Mom. "There's a weird letter babe!" He yelled. She walked over to the table, whiping her hands with a rag. "Read it."

Dear Mr. And Mrs. Adepes,

"Your child has been chosen to attend a party. The party will have fifteen children that are attending, it's basically a little get together for children only. They will meet new friends, eat cake, drink punch, and play a really fun game after! I hope to see your child there!!"
Address: 66778 Lightwood Church
Time: 5:00 P.M.
Date: Sunday

Mom smiled brightly, touching Aim lightly on the shoulder. "You could make fifteen friends!! It's way better than having zero!" Aim frowned. "I so have friends mom!" 

Dad grunted. "No matter, you're going. It's better than staying home and playing games all day."

Mom grabbed the letter, looking at the date with a frown. "It's tomorrow! Don't we have something planned?" 

Dad shrugged. "It could be just us that go out to eat." Mom's smile returned. "Sounds like fun! Go to sleep already honey, it's 9:30." She added to Aim. He smiled a little, feeling  a little excited. "Okay!" He ended up leaped up two of the steps while he raced upstairs.

Aim lay in bed, looking up at the ceiling. He wanted to make new friends, he was an introvert mostly, though acted like an extrovert. While he thought of the difference of the two, he drifted off to sleep.


"Bye honey!!" Mom called from the car, waving at Aim as he walked to the church. He waved back before entering.

"V-I-P!!!" He yelled, banging on his broad chest. Laughs erupted from a group of guys. The girls at the other side of the room snickered a bit, some giggling. He grinned, yellow eyes shimmering with enjoyment. That's what he loved to hear.

He walked over to the group of girls, stopping once he got there to lean on the wall and wink. "Hello ladies~!" He said in a deep voice, laughing in his mind. Some girls giggled, and some walked up to him, looking quite embarrassed and angry. "I'll have you know, my dad would call someone like you a fag and a wannabe." She hissed, the girls laughed loudly, catching the group of guys attention.

Aim rolled his eyes. "I don't give a damn what daddy says. And I would call a girl like you a sl**** b****." The group of guys howled with amusement. "OOOOOOOOOOOOHHH!!" Dark blush danced on her cheeks, walking away fuming.

A boy with light brown hair walked up to him, slapping him hard on the back as a bro like gesture. "Man, you're great! What's your name sport?"

Aim chuckled. "Aim. Aim Adepes."

"I'm Garrett Cross." The boy said. Garrett walked away, motioning to Aim to follow him. Garrett lead them to the group of guys. "Let me introduce you to a couple of my friends. There," he said, pointing to a boy with ash colored hair, "is Eric Amber. He's kinda pissy to guys like you though! There is Roland Hunter." Roland was a guy with light blonde hair and dark green eyes.

He also met Jean Druam, Edd Gator, and Sam Gurta. There was another boy, his name was Sunhee Nosralc. He didn't talk much, and was quite nervous around the group.

The same girl that had the argument thing with him walked over to Aim. She glared, offering a hand for him to shake. "I'm Alice Tamtaker." She said dryly. Aim raised an eyebrow, shaking her hand. "Aim Adepes." Alice snorted. "Oh, btw, I'm totally gonna beat you in this group game we're going to play." With that, she turned around and walked away.

Garrett snorted. "Well damn. Someone's angry!" Aim shrugged. Suddenly, a man came on from a microphone and began to talk.

"Hello children, I am Joe Cusack and welcome to this friendly get together. Everyone having a good time?" The man asked. Garrett, Aim and some other girls began cheering in joy. After the commotion died down, Joe began to speak again. "Now we will play the game I have for you all. It is a group game-"

"Will we be able to choose our own teams?" Garrett asked. Joe shook his head. "No. The teams will be randomly chosen. There are three teams. The Town, Mafia, and Neutrals." Murmurs erupted between the teens.

Garrett looked over at the group of girls, his gaze falling on a girl who looked a lot like himself. "I hope I get on my little sisters team." He said, excitement buzzing threw him.

Aim frowned. "What's this game called?" He yelled up at Joe. The bald headed man looked down at him. "Town of Salem." Sunhee suddenly spoke up, with a nervous tone of voice. "What if we don't want to play?" He asked. Joe gaze suddenly darkened. "You have to."

Suddenly, large men rushed into the room, grabbing a child each. Garrett fought against the man on him,looking over at his sister with a horrified look. "RUBY!!!" He screamed.

Aim fought back as well, before his world turned dark.

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