Chapter 5 - Truck and Trunk

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'Arlie, we need to take some break.' Max said, holding an umbrella above Arlie. 'I don't think so. Deadline, Max.' she answered.

'Yea, I got it but look at Lucky. You're forcing him... Again!' he whispered.

She looked out from the viewfinder and stares at Lucky for few seconds. Her face was sweating too and her eyes were weary.

'No, It's okay. I'm not that tired. Just keep taking pictures, Arl.'

She didn't even flinch and keep staring on Lucky. Her contemplating look made Lucky confused and scared. He couldn't stop sweating and he feels like dying.

'Arlie, he is sweating like hell. Come on, let's get inside and drink first.'

Arlie turns her head to Max and gave the camera to Max with force, 'Ouch, man.' They walked inside and get some orange juice Max has made. Arlie walked directly to the computer, exporting all the pictures from the camera to it. Lucky could see his face on that computer screen from afar and yes, his sweat too. He sat on the couch and sighed. Suddenly Max threw a towel to Lucky, 'Towel in the hole!!!' He screamed and the towel got onto Lucky's face. Max laughed so hard and Lucky can't even see anything to know what just happened.

'Quit playing, kids.' Arlie said.

'Sorry, mother.' Max jeered. Arlie looked at Max sharply and directly get back to her computer. Lucky removed the towel from his face and saw Arlie. 'She seems so different. She was a really fun girl last night but now, she's just straight mean towards everybody. That's really weird... or does she have multiple personalities?! Oh my, does she?' Lucky thought to himself.

Max sat next to Lucky who is staring on the floor.

'Yo, snapped out.' Max said.

Lucky was startled. He looked at Max and laughed awkwardly. The clicking sound from Arlie's mouse and keyboard fill the room. His phone vibrated. He took it, thought it was important.

           'Luna is calling,' it says

'Oh frick off,' he thought and declined the call.

'Who that, Luck?' Max asked and Lucky just shook his head no. 'Your girlfriend, eh?' Dead silence. Not even a single sound is made by any of them. Arlie stopped typing for some reason and Lucky stopped breathing for few seconds. His stomach churned.

'Wh-- What?'

'Aww look at him stuttering, Arlie.' Max said. 'Who is she, big bro? Is she a girl from your neigbourhood? or co worker? OH MY GOD, is she a model too?'

Lucky didn't answer him; he doesn't want people to know he used to date Luna Cavallon and now after they broke up, Luna keep calling him; trying to get back with him. He doesn't want to get into any rumours or social contacts with Luna anymore. He wanted to get these over with.

'Since when you get so nosy, Max?' Arlie suddenly said.

'Come on, I just want to know?' He grabbed Lucky's arm. He looked at him awkwardly, stuck and didn't know what to do.

Arlie turned her chair to both of them and stares at Max.

'Max, shussh. It's his life and you have no rights. He seems uncomfortable with it so cut it out, idiot. Now politely, i asked you to shut your mouth and let me do my job. Enjoy the break and we will continue the photo shoot in an hour.'

She turns her chair back. Max let Lucky's hand go. He nudged Lucky.

'Who that?' he whispered.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Dec 22, 2015 ⏰

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