Part 7

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Hey guys! Thanks for 5 votes! I am really excited for the next part so enjoy and vote 5 votes for part 8 already! ;D ~Me

I'm Lights P.O.V.
I sat myself up from bed, and yawned while stretching my arms out. I looked at the empty space beside me and wondered, is he already gone working?

I lifted myself up, got my clothes and went over to the bathroom in which I dressed. When I did so I walked over to the sink and rinsed my face with cold water, but when I did so I noticed few pink blotches on my neck. Hickeys?

I quietly chuckled to myself. That damn Ryuuzaki, how will I look now with those? I gingerly stroked the marks with my fingertips and kept smiling to myself. After a few seconds I quickly fixed my hair and strolled down stairs, and sat quietly beside Ryuuzaki on my computer.

He gave me stare and I weakly smiled at him and continued to work. "Light?" I heard my dad say and automatically I turned around to face him in the far hallway, "Do you have a second?"

I nodded at him and as I was about to get up, Ryuuzaki nodded at me. I aunderstood what Dad was gonna talk to me about now, and walked over towards him, "Yes, Dad? What do you want?"

He gave me a grave look and sighed, "Do you really wish to go this far to show your innocence, son? Don't you think that's a bit too drastic?" I placed a my arm on his shoulder and grinned, "Dad, don't worry it's fine. I'll be fine and its worth being free from Ryuuzaki tailing me around all the ti-" I shook my head twice as I noticed I wasn't chained to Ryuuzaki anymore. "The chain? It's gone?" I mumbled to myself quietly.

I looked towards Ryuuzaki who was sitting at his computer. Why did he detach himself from me? Is he giving me personal space? No that can't be... He would rather be cautious for tricks on the last day right? What's going on?

I looked at my Dad once again and said, "Dad really it's gonna be fine don't worry but right now I need to talk to Ryuuzaki alone for a bit alright?" He weakly smiled back at me, "If you say so son, I will trust you,"

I started to walk towards Ryuuzaki while mumbling his name out when suddenly Misa bashed through the door. "Raaaaaaiiiitoooo!" She jumped at me with a hug. "Oh, Misa." I mumbled out emotionlessy. "What are you-" she hastily cut me off, "I see you and Ryuuzaki aren't attached anymore! Here!" She started dragging me towards the door, "Let's go on a date!"

I gently pushed her away from me and apologetically with a smile said, "Sorry Misa but I have a lot of work to do and I need to talk to Ryuuzaki privately," She put on a sulky face and murmured out, "But that's not fair, since he gets you like 24/7 while I barely ever see you Raito!"

Just as I was about to say something, Ryuuzaki moved up behind me and coldly said, "You're free today, Yagami-kun and I heard there's some important matters that you need to discuss with Amane right?" I tsked and all I could mumble out was "Ryuuzaki," as I was dragged out hastily by Misa.

What are you doing Ryuuzaki exactly? Why are you pushing me away now? Shouldn't you be scared to move an inch away from me now? And as I was thinking to myself all I could hear in the background was Misa's ruffled singing, "I'm going out on a date with Raito! I'm going out on a date with Raito!"

Ls P.O.V.
What am I doing? What exactly am I thinking anymore? Today's his last day so he would love to prepare some aces down his sleeve but here I am, letting him slip. What am I-

"Ryuuzaki?" I heard a worried voice murmur out to me. Was it him? Did he come back? I lifted my head upwards towards the voice, without realizing that I was lying on the keyboard. When I looked at the voice, it was only Matsuda. "What?" I hissed out.

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