The Carrrier

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His arms struggled mildly as he swung the bag into the van. "Thanks, Gary!" I yelled as I started the blue and white monster. "No problem, Bill. It is my job after all." He said with his puppy dog smile. "Hey, Bill. There's a big office party tonight. You should come."

"We'll see, I have a bigger load today than usual. Probably because everybody is sending Christmas cards. It is that time of year.

"Yeah, I know. I do too. Be careful out there, buddy!" I adjusted my rearview mirror and was off.

The sun was climbing a hill, fighting to get to the peak.  

The dew strung the ground, shimmering even with no light. I stopped the van at a corner and grabbed my satchel from the back.

As I walked the bag bounced and the letters bounced with it. Fallen leaves rustled as a light breeze blew itself in the dawn. I approached a small shabby yellow house and reached into my bag. My hand searched for a moment then stopped. I pulled out a small orange padded envelope and read the label. Zach Gladey. Probably another cd from Amazon. I gave a slight grin and dropped the package into the mailbox.

I've seen him once or twice. Stringy brown hair that just almost covers his eyes. Nice kid. He's always ordering cd's and books from Amazon. I can tell by the weight and size of his mail. I turned and jogged across the wet grass to the next house.

This house was a lighter blue but not quite as shabby. I unbuckled the top of my bag and peered inside, "Number 154, number 154... Ah, here it is!" I withdrew a small white envelope with a hand written address reading:

Margaret Benton

154 Laneveiw Road

Bridgefeild, Ohio 58777

Now, Mrs. Benton is the sweetest little old lady you would ever meet. Shame her husband died a few years back. The death notice came in the mail, I almost couldn't deliver it to her.

I ran into her at the store once, picking up eggs for my wife. She rambled on about her sister, Gigi. The letter was from a "Ginebra Ovad." I figure the letter was from her. I slipped the letter into the door slot and began on my way again.

I finished up Laneview and headed back to the truck. I pulled up to the intersection, took a right, and traveled on a country viewing road for about a two miles until I reached a more populated area. I slowed the vehicle and turned into a new looking housing development that was on the very edge of town. The sun was now just above the horizon. I drove about a fifty feet and stopped the van.

I hopped out and approached a large house, 7844. I looked inside my bag and discovered many letters that looked like bills from several different credit card companies this didn't surprise me by the look of their house. Not a single hand-written letter, just bills. Call me crazy, but I'd rather be a little bit poorer and stay in contact with my family than be rich and do nothing but spend money.

I turned and looked into the sun. Probably isn't right for me to judge people by what they get sent. But then again, what do I know, I'm just a mail carrier.

Author's note: Hiya there! Wow, my first story on Wattpad. I'd really appreciate feedback so I can make my stories even better! Thank you for reading! :D

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