Soup and Sweets

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I poured the piping hot soup into two bowls and cut off a slice of bread for each of us.

‘CHEM!’ I yelled even though I knew he was only next door.

Chem came charging into the kitchen, running at full pelt before he jumped into his chair. I waited until he’d settled down before placing the soup in front of him.

I heard him tucking in as I sat down across the table. I always feel so proud at times like these. I don’t know how I managed to raise a baby whilst I was (am) still growing up. I doubt Chem or Brugge would have been capable of it.

But I hate this feeling of reliance that I've had since I was 10. Only then did I realise exactly what I was doing. I want to get this job up at Van Manor. I want to finally be able to truly stand on my own two feet whilst raising my younger brother.

‘Rose? ROSE!’ Chem yelled pulling me away from all the thoughts circling around in my head.

‘Are you done?’ I asked as I finished what was left of my soup.

‘Yep!’ he yelled and started to get down from the table.

‘Whoa! Hang on,’ I called just before he disappeared into the living room. He stopped and looked back at me with wide eyes. I kept a straight face as I reached into my pocket and said: ‘Do you like sweets?’ as innocently as I could.

Chem’s eyes widened so far it looked like his eyeballs were going to fall out of their sockets.

‘I made some money the other week that I was gonna save, but I thought I’d treat us instead,’ I said, my face breaking into a smile. ‘Go get your coat Chem,’ I called at the retreating back of my brother.

I followed him. The living room is like the centre of our flat; all the other rooms branch off of it. Chem had left his bedroom door open and I could see him rushing to find his coat and shoes.

I opened the door to my room to breathe in the scent of fresh air. There’s a small window in the far wall that had a crack in it. It makes the room colder than the rest of the house, but I love it.

The room always smells like fresh air and lavender, just like mum.

I only have one memory of mum and all the things that remind me of her are in this room.

When she and dad left she forgot a pair of shoes. They are brogues with laces and a small heel. I first found them in the wardrobe, alongside a vial of lavender perfume, when Brugge and her dad had come round to make sure we were okay.

They were much too big then, but they fit perfectly now and I wear them all the time. I slipped my feet into the shoes and pulled a tattered shawl around my shoulders.

I found Chem waiting for me by the front door in the living room. He was wearing the coat that Brugge and her dad bought him last year for his birthday. Its 4 sizes too big but he doesn’t care. To him it’s a coat and a coat is, well a coat.

I grabbed the door key from its nail on the door frame before ushering Chem into the crowded street.

I locked the door and took Chem’s tiny hand in mine before battling my way through the crowds.

We may be poor and live in a tiny flat, but the entire house was originally mum and dads. We were forced to sell the upstairs as a flat but we kept the downstairs. We moved all the furniture downstairs and sold what we didn’t need. It’s thanks to that money that I can buy shoes for me and Chem as well as presents for Chem on his birthdays.  

I've never told anyone about the money, except Brugge’s dad. I keep it in jars under my bed where no one will find it. I feel safer knowing that if anything goes wrong I will be able to buy Chem food.

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