#14 Just Try To Say It For Me

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l've known Ethan for years now and I Can't get enough of him. yes I'm in a relationship with him, but I can't say the most important words in a relationship which are: I Love You. Believe me it hard. I always try to say it but I can't and I have a good reason for that.
So a couple of years ago I had another boyfriend, It was great lovely and all. I've said I love you over a thousand times and the boy of course said it back. But this one day he didn't and he started to tell me that he didn't love me he was just trying to get in my pants but I didn't let him cause I was 14 or something and the boy was 16. A bad choice, and that's why I don't say I love you that quick because I'm scared that Ethan might do this to get in my pants just like this other boy. But that's 3 years ago and I'm more mature now and I know exactly what I want and what not. I also had a lot of conversation with my bigger sister lisa cause she is married and all so she know what it's like and I think some advise from your bigger sister is always good.

Finally weekend, I'm super tired. I was already from school but I stayed to make my homework, if I got home I wouldn't be able to make homework cause them I'm busy with my boyfriend so I made it here. I quickly walked to my car and drove off. Normally I love this ride but right now I'm super tired. I did turn on the radio to prevent falling asleep. When I reached home and rang the bell nobody opened the door which means that my dad isn't home, but Ethan's car is parked here so that means he's here. Strange. I opened the door with my keys and walked inside. I took of my coat and walked upstairs. When I reached my chamber I could hear little snores. I walked into the room and there laid Ethan on my bed sleeping. He was so cute. I grabbed my phone and made a couple of pictures. I chose the cutest one and putted that one as my screensaver. I picked some clothes out of my closest and went to the bathroom to take a nice warm shower that woke me up a bit. When I was done with that I dressed myself. I walked back to my room to see if Ethan still asleep. But he wasn't. 'He there is my beautiful girlfriend' he said walking over to me to give me a kiss. 'Yep and there is my beautiful sleepybunny' I said kissing him back. 'sleepybunny for real babe' he said raising his eyebrow. I showed him the pictures and he started to laugh. 'Haha, okay nobody is allowed to see that one though'. 'Why not, it's cute' I said admiring the picture. 'That's why people will fall in love with me, and I know you don't like to share me' he said hugging from the back. I just laughed. 'I'm so hungry I feel like eating some chocolate' I said holding my stomach. 'You're wish baby is my command' he said loosing his arm and walking towards the kitchen. 'What are you doing' I asked crossing my arms. 'I'm searching for some chocolate of course, you said you wanted some' he said looking through the cabins. I just shook my heads waiting for him to finally see that there isn't any chocolate at home. '(Y/N) I think you ran out of chocolate.' He said closing the last cabin. 'No shit Sherlock' I said back to him. 'Listen missy don't talk to me like that' he said pointing out his finger. I just rolled my eyes for him, which pissed him of more. 'You know what never mind it's cause I'm craving some chocolate too now otherwise I would've done something with girl. You have no idea' he said grabbing his car keys. I just winked at him. 'So chocolate girl are you coming or not' he said looking at me. I just nodded my head. I quickly ran upstairs, took my shoes and grabbed my coat and ran to his car. I sat down and putted on my shoe while he was riding to the mall. When we got there we immediately went into the shop to buy candy and chocolate my favorites. When  we both payed half of the price we left.  I hate when boys pay for me. I have my own money. When we were riding home we ate chocolate when we came home we ate chocolate and candy and before we knew it it was done. We were sitting on the couch when I hear the door opening. It was my dad. 'Hello honey' he said walking over to me and gave me a kiss on my cheek. 'Hello Mr (Y/L/N)' Ethan said waving his hand. My dad walked over to him and gave him a hug. He asked how he was and stuff. Because it was already late my dad kinda send him away. He did tell my father that he was taking me out tomorrow, something I didn't knew. I walked him out, gave him a hug and a quick kiss in case my dad was watching. He went to his car and I went back inside. 'This boy really loves you, you know that' he said leaning up the doorframe. 'Yes dad I know' I said realising that he actually loves me. It  makes me feel happy. 'It reminds me of your mom and me. How nervous I was when I wanted to take her on a date. How hard it was for me to impress her dad and all but that's the past' he said walking to the kitchen. Ooh in case you're wondering my parents got divorced when I was 10 cause 'Things' didn't work out so well and it's then when I decided to live with my dad. I went upstairs to change into my pyjamas before diner. Today we ate something I really love which is pizza. When we finished eating me and my dad watched some TV together when he got up to go to bed cause he had an early shift in the hospital tomorrow and I hate that. Not only because it saterday, that's not the problem. The problem is that my dad makes so much noise that I just wake up. Which is around 7 o'clock. He gave me a kiss on my forehead and went upstairs. When there wasn't anything special on the TV anymore I also went upstairs. I texted Ethan to say goodnight when he sent me this back: Goodnight Chocolate baby. I just want to say to you that I'm taking you on a date so be prepared around 1 o'clock, your love Ethan. I love you. When I saw the I love you I wanted to send it back to him but I just couldn't do it. I putted my phone away and slept.

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