Chapter 2-Hospital Dayz

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(A/N Yo waddup HomieG's sorry about the long chapter but here's another longish one hope you enjoy:)
Jaz's POV

I laid awake in bed thinking about Luke. I've had a crush on him since fifth grade.

'Don't worry Luke. I'm coming for you. I love you.' I whispered to myself. I always said this before I went to sleep.
*** da next mornin***
"Hey sweetie wake up!" My dad said all cheery like. I groaned. 'I hate getting up!' I shoved my face back into my pillows.

The smell of fresh bacon was the only think that woke me up.
"Hey dad." I kissed his cheek and grabbed a plate of bacon, eggs, and pancakes.

"Oh shit I'm late!!" I shouted. I looked at the clock after eating.
"I'm off to school dad!" I yelled to him.

"Ok have a good day!!" He yelled back. 'Finally I get to see Luke.' I was practically screaming in my head. I headed for the bus stop.

On the bus I saw Luke sitting with his friends Michael, Calum, and Ashton who was a senior. I also saw my new best friend may sitting alone. I came and sat next to her.

"Hi." I smiled at her. She smiled back at me. It was the first genuine smile I've ever seen her give anyone except Luke.

"Hey I didn't know you took the bus." She said. She moved so that we were face to face. We gossiped and threw paper at the pops. (P.S that's what I call populars so no judging:)

"Great school." May muttered under her breath. She rolled her eyes and got up. She was immediately knocked over by Michael.

"Oh I'm sorry are you ok?" He was being really sweet to her.

"Yea I'm fine thanks for asking." She blushed and looked away. I saw Luke in the corner of my eye. He looked hurt. 'Does he like her? I hope not cause I'll be pissed. Luke is mine not hers!' I could feel my face heating up.

I noticed Calum staring at me from behind Mikey. I smiled at him and he smiled back. 'Well if all fails with Luke I always have Calum.' I thought to myself.

Sammy's POV

'I have to say something to her. But what if she doesn't feel the same way I mean she teases me but that doesn't mean she likes me right? Oh just shut up and tell her you like her!"

"Hey Sammy are you ok?" Ashton's voice surprised me.

"Yea I'm fine I was just thinking." I shook my head and looked away from him. He stood there for what seemed like forever before walking away.

'Phew that was close!' I sighed to myself.
-At lunch-

"Hey Elise can I talk to you?" I said shyly. I fiddled with my thumbs while waiting for her to get to lunch.

"Yea sure, what's on your mind?" She flipped her hair. My stomach fluttered.


"Can you say that more slowly?" She said. I nodded and took a deep breath.

"I think. I have. Feelings for..." I pondered thinking wether I should tell her or not. "Ashton!" I said to loudly. I guess I made up my mind. 'I'm not telling her, not yet.'

"Wow I wasn't expecting that! That's so great lets go tell him!" She pulled me towards him.

"Wait, what?! NO IM NOT READY TO!" I made a huge scene for the whole school.

"Hey Ashton come over here!" Elise waved him over to us.

'Holy. SHIT!'

Elise's POV

'I have to make her happy. Even if it means I not being with her.' I've liked Sammy for as long as I can remember. it broke my heart to her her say she liked Ashton, but I'm happy for her. And that's all I need, is for her to be happy.

"Yo what's up?" Ashton's face appeared before me. he looked between me and Sammy for a while before I spoke up.

"Sammy likes you and she wants to go out with you." I couldn't hold it in any longer. I looked at her beautiful blushing face.

"Really? Cause I've kinda liked you for a long time." He blushed to. I winked at her. She just kinda stood there and looked at him. She actually looked like she was in love. I almost cried.

(A/N I know I said I would switch povs everychapter but I've run out of things to say for each one so yea.)

Jaz's POV

I thought about Luke coming home from school. I decided to walk instead of take the bus. I saw May across the street. I waved to her.

I saw a crosswalk and decided to walk with her so I waited to cross. I didn't see the bus heading straight for me until it was almost to late.

"Jaz look out!!" May ran to me and pushed me out of the way.

"NO MAY!!" I forced my self to look away. I heard screaming and the buses brakes screeching. the silo cd that came after was unbearable.

I ran out to where May lay still. I tried to shake her awake but that didn't work. I checked her heart. She was still breathing but barely.

"Hold on May I'll get help! Don't die please!" I cried and took out my phone.

"Hello how may we assist you?"
"My friends been hit by a bus! And she won't wake up!"
"Ok we'll be right there just stay with them." She hung up on me.
"Please don't die!!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2015 ⏰

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