Menstruation, AKA Periods

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    Hey there, ladies and/ or curious gentleman! This chapter is all that you need to know about menstruating! This is an awkward topic for some people so I will try to make this as least awkward as possible. I know it is difficult for some of you to talk to your parents (or legal guardian) about menstruation and puberty. While I suggest that you talk about it with them I am not saying you have to, it is a personal choice. My friend (whose name I shall not say, but you know who you are!!!) was in sixth grade when her period started in the middle of school. She didn't realize it until she felt it running down her leg! She was at her mom's house that weekend but she didn't tell her mom that she had her period for another two weeks! As I said, it is everyone's personal choice to whether or not you want to discuss this with your parent or legal guardian. I should have you know before hand though, if you came to this chapter looking for funny period stories then you will be disappointed. This chapter is about menstruation, and menstruation only. Once I have gotten through my very important chapters in this book I may do a chapter entirely devoted to hilarious and embarrassing period stories. Let's begin!

  Menstruation is the scientific term for getting your period while most girls call it a period, or shark week! Some of us call it shark week because a shark's brain is shaped like your uterus (and because there is a lot of blood.) Before I tell you about the symptoms of periods, when you get them, or the signs yours is coming I am going to tell you why we have periods. Every month an egg travels from your Fallopian tubes to your cervix, if this egg is not fertilized by sperm within twenty four hours then it is absorbed into your body and your uterine lining starts to shed. Your uterine lining is a lining around your uterus that the egg would latch onto and start to develop a baby if it was a fertilized egg. So that is why once you get your first menstruation you are able to have a baby. The uterine lining is the "blood" that comes out of your vagina during a period. I use the term blood very loosely because it is a mixture of blood and bodily fluids. But yeah, it's basically blood.

     There are different supplies you can use for your period such as pads, tampons, and menstrual cups. I will include separate chapters for each of these, how to use them, and the best brands or types for what you need. Some people think that pads are better for beginners, but I think it is a personal choice. I used a tampon the first day I ever had my period, but some people think you should wait until you are 13 or until after you have had sex. As I said, it is a personal choice and you shouldn't feel pressured to use a specific supply. I myself prefer tampons with pads because my flow is quite heavy. I don't really like menstrual cups, not because they cause any major issues, I just don't. I don't like having to stick my fingers in my lady business any time of the month. Anyways, I got off topic. 

     You can have your period anytime from 8-16 years of age, and a period can last anywhere from 3-9 days. Usually a period is 5-7 days but it can be 3-9 days as well. I know that the length of a period is a controversial subject but I am not trying to get your specific period length, I am going based on scientific information. And keep in my I am using the word usually. Now, let's talk about before your period happens. The most common sign that your period is coming is discharge. Discharge is a white, or clear slimy feeling substance that most girls get in their underwear before they have their period. Discharge is your vagina cleaning itself out. You can start getting discharge up to 3 years before you actually have your period, so don't freak out and think you're going to have it immediately! Some girls don't have discharge at all which is perfectly normal and you're still healthy.

      Another sign your period is coming (not many people know this) is your breasts will get larger. They get slightly sore and tender as well, but many people know that. But what most people don't know is that sometimes two to four weeks before you have your period your breasts will get larger. It isn't enough to make a noticeable difference to the public or to go up a cup size or anything, but it is still there. But please take into account that I said sometimes, not all girls breasts get larger before a period. A pretty well known sign is acne, based on the order that the stages of puberty go in you might already have acne (unless you have perfect skin,) but about three weeks before a period your acne will really flare up. Last but not least, are hormonal imbalances. Some of you may not know what this means if you are young, so another way of saying it is mood swings. But since you have hit puberty you can have mood swings anytime, it does not necessarily mean that Aunt Flo is coming to stay the next day.

      Let's talk symptoms! I remember back in the first month of fifth grade Jeanie Caparemi got her period and it was like she became a celebrity overnight. She was always complaining about cramps (how convenient that suddenly everyone got cramps too... by their ribs... -cough- they were so faking for attention -cough-) and how painful periods are, and pity her, and poor Jeanie, oh, the poor thing. You get it, right? It was like Pity Parties R US up in there. Still, basically that is what everyone says about your period, how painful it is. I find that totally ridiculous because your period isn't painful, cramps are. Not everybody gets cramps, my cousin and a few of my friends are blessed with a cramps free lifestyle. Cramps are the feeling you get as your uterine lining is ripping itself off the uterus. Yes. Ripping. No wonder it hurts... anyways cramps happen in the lower abdominal area, AKA your naval.

     When I was really young I always heard my sisters complaining about nausea and vomiting while they were on their periods. I absolutely am terrified of vomiting and hate it with a passion so I was really, really worried about it. Thank goodness for me nausea and vomiting is not nearly as common as cramping. Some other symptoms you could have are cravings and body aches and pains. When you are on shark week you will be wanting food like nobodies business. You will want your favorite food, sweet food, salty food, blue food, salad food; heck, even food you don't like! You will want food! As for body aches in pains often your legs will become sore as if you just worked out, and your neck and lower back will feel stiff and sore as well. I think that is all you definitely, so totally need to know about your menstruation! 

P.S. In the video the girl made a slight mistake, P.M.S. stands for Pre Menstrual Syndrome, not Post Menstrual Syndrome!

Periods & Puberty: All You Need To KnowWhere stories live. Discover now