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Taylor P.O.V.

The next morning I woke up and checked my phone like I always do, but before long I heard rustling the kitchen. 

"Hello?" I asked whoever made the sound hoping it was the cats.

"Taylor, its me." Calvin said rushing into the room.

"Calvin what are you doing here?" I asked him sitting up in the bed.

"I stayed the night in case you needed me. I hope that's ok?"

"Awe! That's perfectly fine. Thank You!" I said then gave him a hug.

"Hungry?" Breakfast is almost ready."

"Yeah, but can you do me a favor?"

"Of course, anything"

"Can you help me get in my wheel chair and then get my pain meds?"

"Absolutely" He picked me up, set me in my wheel chair  then gave me a kiss. Then he left to go get my meds. While he was away I decided to call Karlie.

"Hey babe, whats up?" She answered the phone. 

"Can you come over and help me get ready?" I asked her.

"Yea, I will be there in 20. See you then."

"Bye" I said then hung up. While I was hanging up Calvin came in.

"Your medicine says  to take it with food so lets eat first." He said pushing me into the kitchen.

"Sounds good" I answered.

"So if you don't mind I thought I could be like your assistant till you recover.  I will do anything you want me to do. I can cook for you clean for you. I can get your clothes for you and help you do your make-up."

"Thank you! I called Karlie and she is going to help me get dressed today or until I can. She should be here in a little."

"Cool, your manager called and wants you to call her"

"Ok, I will later." We both hurried to eat. About the time we got done eating Karlie was there. 

She helped me get dressed and do my makeup. Once we were done she left and I called my manager. She said the doctor said It should take about a month to recover. (I really have no idea how long it takes so let's just pretend) She also said I would have to re-schedule all the shows in between. She also said I needed to make a video for the fans. 

Once I got off the phone I told Calvin what we needed to do and he got the camera set up. 

In the video I said: "Hey guys it's Taylor. I need to share some bad news with you. Yesterday morning I got in a bad car accident but I'm ok I just need some time to recover. That means we will have to re-schedule all shows for the next month. I will be good as new in no time, I have some very wonderful people taking care of me." I looked up at Calvin then back at the camera. "My management and I will keep you updated. Don't worry about me I will be fine. Bye guys, I love you" I blew a kiss to the camera and then Calvin stopped recording.  Then we sent it to my management.

"Ok done" Calvin said hitting send. "What do you want to do?" He asked. 

"I do have one task on my mind." I held up my hand with the ring. 

"Ok do you want to tell the world or just family and friends?"

"Umm... family and friends, but I want to get it over with."

"Ok but first,"  He held up my meds and a glass of water. I took the meds then took one last drink of water.

"Well I will just send out a group text and whoever is in town can come." I told Calvin.

"Sounds good" he said siting on the couch. After texting everyone only Ed,Selena,Gigi, and Karlie could come which was fine by me. After I got the responses Calvin and I watched a move. 

Calvin P.O.V.

Taylor fell asleep so I carried her in her bed room so she could get some sleep. I loved being her assistant. 

About 30 minuets later everybody showed up so I decided to wake up Taylor.

"Hey Tay,people are here. Want to wake up?" I asked her gently shaking her then giving her a kiss on the forehead.

"Yeah. Does my makeup look ok?" she asked stretching.

"Perfect" I told her then I helped her in the wheelchair then pushed her into the living room.

Taylor P.O.V.

"Hey guys!" I said. 

"Hi Tay." They said with worried looks. 

"I have some news for you. I got in a car accident and broke my ankle and arm. I also got a gash in my stomach and a concussion. The doctor said I should be recovered in about a month.Don't worry though. I have some very special people taking care of me." Then I looked up at Calvin and he bent down to give me a kiss.  After that I looked at Karlie. 

"Awe!" Karlie said. You too are so cute!" Then she causally held up her hand to remind me about the other news. 

"Oh yea. I said winking back at her. "I also have good news but this stays here because we don't want everyone to know." I paused. "Adam gave me a promise ring. We wanted to tell you so that I could wear it more since I can't wear it in public." Then the girls swarmed me and I gave Calvin one more kiss before he went to go sit with Ed. 

"It's very pretty." Selena said.

"He's a great guy Taylor." Gigi said. I winked again at Karlie. We all talked for about 20 more minutes before Karlie said something. 

"Ok guys. Let's give them some alone time." She said looking at me. Everyone said there goodbyes and Karlie was the last one out so I mouthed her 'Thank You' and blew her a kiss. The rest of the night Calvin and I relaxed on the couch. 


That one was a little longer. How long do you guys like them? This one is almost 1,000 words.

Thanks for reading! Leave requests please! <3

Talvin In LoveOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora