Blair's Mistake

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Meet Blair, the "slut" of the school. Well, that's what they call her. All she wanted was for her to be noticed, to fit in. But, it all turned out wrong because she trusted. And that person she trusted, now resides in her hate list. Let me tell you her story.

School was always a place where she couldn't be herself. It was not home. It was not where she could have fun while learning. She didn't know if her friends were real there. People saw her as an awkward, moody girl, who had bad fashion taste and was fat.

She didn't feel beautiful, or sexy, funny, or enough. She saw the girls who fit in though - they were all acquainted with Alfred. Now he was cool, funny and a cheater. But Blair was the only one who knew that. Because she was the "other girl".

Alfred never once gave her a glance, they were classmates for four years until he accelerated. On the fifth year that they were in the same school, that's when hormones started to kick in and where your brain cells don't work. So when he asked if they could have a friendship, she of course said yes. She thought that she would get to finally be a part of the "ones who fit in".

No. She didn't get in. So when Alfred asked her if they could be 'friends with benefits', she said yes. And that was her mistake. Her stupid mistake. Because this is what started her journey to shame, disappointment and sin. Yes, she fit in now, but never will she get her parents' trust and respect again.

They sent pictures, videos and they texted, night and day. She couldn't stop because her plan was working out well. That was, until she found out that Alfred had a relationship. All this time, he was in that relationship, and he was using Blair for his own pleasures.

She immediately stopped their "friendship", but it was too late. Because Alfred here, spread one of the videos that she sent him to his mates in soccer and his friends in school.

Blair was devastated. Strangers started calling her slut, whore, bitch and liar. Some forced her to send pictures of herself or else they'll post the video on social media. Some sent pictures of themselves. She couldn't take it, so she tried to take her life. Before the knife went through her chest, she got a phone call.

It was the school, asking her to come because they wanted a re-evaluation for the students. So she went, and they trapped her. Made her spill her secrets and what happened. She told them everything. And finally, finally, she found refuge.

The school helped her delete the video that was shared. They helped her emotionally. They helped her gain the trust of her parents again. And they helped Alfred be removed from the school. Blair was happy, but we all know that things would never be the same.

She trusted the wrong person at the wrong time. This was her mistake. And now, she's on her way to fixing it.

Hi lovelies, as you have seen, Blair is me. That's my ninja name *wink*. I wanted to share my story first so it could start off a domino effect. This happened to me (or Blair, which is me...confusing, I know) and I'm still trying to fix what happened. I'm coping and so are my parents. Thank you though, for taking the time to read it. I'll be waiting if you guys have any stories to share!

Always and Forevah,
Kate :))

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2015 ⏰

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