It was getting boring so I walked over to the and grabbed both of them by their ear.

"Stop it you two" I said pulling them up.

They stood up. I let go of their ear.

"Both of you go to the Hospital wing" I said.

"Why should I listen to you?" Fred asked me.

"Because mini Dumbledore. You might get stuck looking like that" I said.

"I don't look like a mini Dumbledore" Fred said.

I reached into my robe pocket a grabbed a mirror. I handed the mirror to Fred. He held the mirror to his face. His eyes went wide and mouth dropped opened.

"You're right, Black I do look like Dumbledore" Fred said.

"Now if you excuse I must get to the Hospital Wing" Fred said walking out of the Great Hall.

"I better go to. See ya later, Allie" George said and walked out of the Great Hall.

I walked back over to Luna.

"Are they okay?" Luna asked me.

"They're fine" I said sitting down beside her.

The rest of the day went by un-eventful until dinner was over. It was time for the champions to be decided.

"Sit down. Please" Dumbledore said.

I sat down beside Neville and Fred. The only reason I was sitting beside Fred was because it was the only seat left.

"Now the moment you've all been waiting for: The champion selection" Dumbledore said.

Dumbledore then made all of the lights go out. The only thing giving off light was the Goblet of Fire, but that wasn't much light.

So being afraid of the dark I grabbed a hand.

"Ow! Quit squeezing my hand" Fred whispered.

"S-sorry" I said letting go of his hand.

"Are you okay, Black?" Fred asked me.

"It's dark" I said.

"You can hold my hand if you want, just don't squeeze it" Fred said.

"Thanks" I said and grabbed his hand.

The Goblet of Fire blue flames turned red and shot out a piece of paper. Dumbledore grabbed the piece of paper.

"The Durmstrang champion is Viktor Krum" Dumbledore shouted out.

Everyone cheered. Viktor Krum walked out from where he was sitting at and shook Dumbledore's hand and walked to the trophy room.

The Goblet of Fire turned red again and another piece of paper flew out. Dumbledore grabbed it.

"The champion for Beauxbatons is Fleur Delacour" Dumbledore shouted.

Everyone cheered as a blonde girl walked over to Dumbledore and shook his hand. She then walked to the trophy room.

The Goblet turned red and shot out a piece of paper. Dumbledore grabbed it.

"The Hogwarts champion, Cedric Diggory!" Dumbledore shouted.

Everyone started to cheer as Cedric walked up to Dumbledore and shook his hand. Cedric then walked to the Trophy room.

"Excellent! We now have our three champions. But in the end, only one will go down in history. Only one will hoist this chalice of champions, this vessel of victory the Triwizard Cup!" Dumbledore said as a cloth flew off the Triwizarrd Cup.

Under the cloth was a bright blue trophy with silver handles. It was beautiful.

Everyone clapped at the trophy, but stopped since the Goblet of fire started to act weird.

The Goblet turned red and a piece of paper shot out of it. Dumbledore said something, but it was to low to hear.

"Harry Potter? Harry Potter!" Dumbledore shouted.

Oh no! I hope he's not a champion! Merlin please don't let him be a champion for the tournament!

"Go on, Harry" Hermione told Harry.

Harry stood up and slowly walked towards Dumbledore. Dumbledore handed Harry the piece of paper that shot out of the Goblet.

"He's a cheat!" Someone shouted as Harry walked towards the trophy case.

"He's not even seventeen yet!" Someone else shouted out.

Once Harry walked into the trophy room. Dumbledore told us all to go to our common rooms. Everyone left the Great Hall and walked to their common room.

"Black" Fred said.

I turned to him.

"What?" I asked him.

"You helped Harry enter didn't you?" Fred asked me.

"No I didn't" I said.

"Don't lie" Fred said.

"I'm not" I said.

"Whatever" Fred said and stomped up to the boys dorm.

"Your such an arse!" I shouted up the boys staircase.

Everyone went quite in the common room. I ran up the girls staircase and fell onto my bed. I started to cry. The reason I was crying because I was angry and a sad. And it was Fred's fault! I was angry because he thought I help Harry enter the tournament. I was sad because I missed hanging out with Fred.

Heaven Can Wait Deep Down in Your Eyes ❖ BK 2 ❖ Fred.W ❖Where stories live. Discover now