Last Moment

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The large mansion been extremely quite today.No hyper jumping or yelling,just the young master do his daily work routine in normal way.

All of the servant start to become wary of their master behavior.Said boy just keep quiet all day long.He even didn't spoke to his butler,Claude Fautus.

Which make the butler felt a little angry and worried.He ask his master if the young Earl is disappoint or having a bad dream.But instead answering,he just smile and shook his little head in a manners of 'I'm okay'.

Alois POV

I don't really get it why I become like this.Yes I dreamt about Claude betrayal but I already know that since we made a contract.

Just focusing on the paperwork,I didn't realize the warm jasmine tea that Claude gave me a minute ago.

Not that I can't talk about it.I just felt that this Saturday night,my life will be over,shrug of the feeling from my head,I keep doing my work until Claude called my name.

"Highness,your highness.Are you feeling alright?"

"Unh.I'm just fine,don't worry about me and just go back to you're work."

"Yes,your highness."

Was he said before he leave me alone again.I sigh,trying to get out of my messy thought.Maybe I just need a fresh air.

I decide to go outside and just sit at the mansion garden,watching the bees collecting honey.One of the bees get caught in a spider web,poor bee.

Mostly I enjoy my little trip to my garden without Claude or anybody around.It's kind of hard to be alone when most of the time Claude is with me.

I pluck one of the bluebells and twirl it just for fun.Most of my garden is filled with Bluebell and the rest is Snapdragon,Rose.

"Does it pleased you,highness?"

"Yeah,it is.My favorite flower indeed."

Author POV

Claude put the Earl gray tea next to Alois.He fixed his glasses,looking at Alois with his still stoic face.The butler didn't want to admit that he's really worried about the Earl condition.

"Thank you."

"My pleasure."

The young earl sipped his freshly brewed tea.Watching the flower been blown softly by the wind,making the flower dance in harmonize.Calm indeed.

He smile softly,making his butler smile.Alois didn't really notice the smile on his butler face for he's very focused watching the flower amused his broken heart.

Finally he got up from his spot after he finished his tea and make his way back to his office,followed by his demon butler.Rather than focusing on the ground,his mind flew far away until he almost fell on the soil ground.

Claude of course caught him and embrace him tightly,letting go is a last thing he would do.But he know the best not to let his feeling control him.

"Um,Claude.Can you let go of me?"

"Pardon me,Highness."

He finally let go.Alois fell kind of strange,he suddenly got a butterfly in his stomach when Claude touch him.Which is a rare event,the demon butler only hold him if it's an order or he about to fall or any other event involving touching or so.But just now he felt something,he can almost felt Claude heartbeat but just a ridiculous though,he think.

"I'm sorry for my clumsiness.It won't happen again."

Not once in his entire time becoming Alois butler he hear Alois apologize for his clumsiness.

"Are you sure you're fine,Highness?"

"Y-yes I'm sure,thank you for your corcern,Claude."

The young Earl quickly walk,not facing his butler face even a second.


It already past midnight but the young Earl still with his paperwork.

"Highness,it's already past your bedtime."

Claude knock and spoke.Alois fliched a little but he later reply.

"Oh.S-sorry,I'm too busy with paperwork.I'm heading to the bedroom now."

He open the wooden door carefully and let his butler get him ready for the night.


"Ah,I can undress on my own,just give me my nightgown and wait outside."

The boy stopped his Butler from touching his bare skin.Making said butler startle and just nodded in agreement.

"Please call me if you need anything,Highness."

"Uhn!Thank you,but I'll be fine on my own."

Claude eyes widen in shocked.

'What do you mean you'll be fine on your own?''You need me right?''I'm your everything,I'm your light,I'm your darkness.'

These word keep lingering in his head.Claude just fixed his glasses.He need to do something about his master,even thought it can cause him his life.

But no matter what he want to do to save his master,deep inside his feeling,Claude know,it's time.

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