Before The Change

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Hey there gorgeous,

I just wanted you to know that this book is a compilation of stories from other people who have felt worthless and ugly. Who felt that they weren't good enough. Who felt the need to change themselves. The situations that they went through, you might be going through right now. This book are for those times when you feel down. This is where the realization comes. And this is where change can come in how you see yourself and the world.

This is not advice, it's a boost. You can take it however you want it, but know that this is where we all lie open and vulnerable. This is where our secrets are laid out. The stories you will be reading are from people who volunteered to be a part of a fire. A fire that's going to change you.

If you want to be a part of the fire and share what's happening with you or what happened to you, feel free to message me. We can put it on here and you have the choice of wanting it to be anonymous or not (I also accept ninja names). I hope that this helps you, girl. Oh and one last thing, please don't plagiarize any of the stories here or the whole book, it means a lot to a lot of people (hope that made sense). Girl, get ready for the change.

Always and Forevah,
Kate :))

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