"Wha...t do you.... mean?" I asked.

He did all this to make me cheer up?

"..." he smirked. Even more.

We then walked to the class, ready for Narumi Sensei's lesson.

He gave me a task to defeat anyone with my own Alice.

Since I have never fine so.

But before I could stand up, I fainted...

[General Office]

Once i gained my conscious back, I realise I was lying down on the sick bed.

Beside the bed was Hotaru, Class Prez and the two sisters(if you watch it) and Natsume & Ruka was leaning against at the wall.

"Eh...h?" I said softly.

"Why are your here?" I asked.

"It's already after school, Mikan- Chan" Class Prez answered warmly.

"And you slept for 4 Hours" Natsume added.

"Yeah! Natsume was here with you all along" Hotaru spoke up and ends with a smirk as she looked to Natsume.

He blushed and quickly protest, "No- Nope! Because she's my- my partner!"

We laughed and my giggles soon turned to coughs, *Coughs* I tried to cover it and prevent my friends from acknowledging it.

"Are you okay?" Ruka- Pyon asked sweetly as a girl and I nodded.

"Where's Natalie?" I asked as one of the familiar faces are gone.

"She's packing her things" Natsume sadden and I asked why.

He explained in a deep tone, "I dunno why. She say she will tell us tomorrow"

The atmosphere in the room are bad, Died Silent.

I tried to take laugh to lighten my friends but it didn't help.

But yet, I coughed out blood.

"Mikan!! Are you sure you're alright?" They concerned and said in unison.

I want to laugh, but I can't.

I can only reply a yes.

Just then, Natalie came in with a spirit.

"Don't get so near, or I kill you and her." she demanded as pointed to me and they followed in horror.

"Its alright Mikan, I can help you"

She began asking me to close my eyes and relax.


This will be the last time. I swear.

I breath in and yelled, " As The Owner Of Wizard Spirit! I Summon Thee, Open! The World Of Harmless! Heal!"

My Spirit, Heal. Appear besides me and I commanded it to heal Mikan. But for a split second, I asked myself, who is Mikan?


After a while, Natalie asked me to reopen my eyes and found myself fine.


"Listen it, Mikan, I'm going off tomorrow so this will be the last time I can help you. Please, don't ever get yourself injured again." She said, in the same time as Natsume did.

Gakuen Alice (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now