"Thank you Erwin, my father gave it to me before he passed."

"Well I'm sure your father is proud to see you wearing it, and that necklace is beautiful as well."

I chuckle shyly and blush, "Nile gave it to me, I guess my father gave it to him to give to someone precious to him, it originally belonged to my grandmother and he thought that I deserved to have it."

"Nile, he really cares for you doesn't he."

"Yeah, sometimes he worries too much but it's better to care too much than too little."

Erwin smiles taking my hand, "There is a spot that I want to take you to, I prepared a special meal for us, Levi helped me of course, with one hand it is hard to cook. Mike was the taste and 'smell' tester."

"Sounds like you are overworking yourself again Commander."

He smiles and lets out a small laugh, "Perhaps, but it will be worth it."

We head out and Erwin takes me to a grassland meadow filled with Dandelions, the skies were blue with few clouds. I take in the sight and Erwin catches my attention as he lays a cloth down for us to sit as he gets food out of a basket. It is so romantic, a perfect first date, just the two of us with no paperwork at the moment, no stress, well a little stress from being nervous but in a good way.

"So Erwin wh-"

"Say ahh."

He held a spoonful of some soup to me, I say ahh and he smiles as I taste it.

"So....How is it?"

"It's amazing, you really outdid yourself."

"But I was right."

"Right about what?"

"That it would be worth it, seeing you smile and appreciate my effort, that makes me very happy."

"Erwin...you are so sweet."

"What were you going to ask me before I asked you to eat?"

"...Oh, I wanted to know more about you, so I wanted to ask about your hobbies, or what you would do if there were no Titans?"

He seems a bit taken back, "I don't really know, I usually think of 'what is' not 'what it could be.' But when I was young, I guess I wanted to be like my father."

"What was he like? Nile told me that he was killed, sorry if I said too much."

Erwin smiles sadly, "It's okay, He was a teacher, a family man, and I admired his knowledge, I guess I would like to not worry so much and have a family to worry about....What about you?"

I think for a bit, "I've always wanted to see beyond the walls anyway so I guess it would be to travel, to learn new things, then live in a small house with a handsome man and have a kid or two...But I guess I've done most of those things, I have seen the outside and all its beauty, I've learned so much, and I have you."

He smiles and takes my hand, "I guess both of our dreams are similar, all you need is a house and a few kids and I need to be a teacher, and I can only assume that since you have me that those children would be mine as well?"

I turn a dark shade of red, "I-Idiot, talking about these things on a first date."

"Well...you asked me, I am an honest man."

I chuckle, "Maybe a little too honest."

After our lunch, which was amazing, we chatted for a while longer until Erwin took something out of his basket. It was a cake, a [Favorite Flavored] cake.

"Er-Erwin, how did you-"

He cuts a piece and puts a piece to my mouth to try it, which I gladly accepted it. I chewed letting it his my taste buds, it was amazing, I didn't want this day to end.

"Nile told me you liked [Fav Flavor] cake, so Levi helped me with this too."

"Well don't give him all the credit."

"I guess I added the most important ingredient."

"Oh, and what did you add?"

"I added Love."

We both blushed but chuckled at his cheesy line, but he was too cute. Everything was perfect, great food, my favorite cake, and to share it all with Erwin, I couldn't ask for a better date.

Meanwhile In A Nearby Bush

Levi's POV

Yeah, c'mon Erwin just kiss her, don't be a bigger idiot. Gahh, he's feeding her, now is your chance.

"Levi,, what are you doing?"

I turn to see Mike, "None of your business now go away."

"Are you spying on [F/N] and Erwin's date?"

"N-No, I was just merely observing to make sure that [F/N] liked the food that we prepared."

"I know that you're lying, so no need to hide it. You know that I'm here for the same reason"

I turn to Mike and I can see in his eyes that it is true, Mike continues, "We both want to see what Erwin looks like when he is truly happy, am I wrong?"

I huff, "No one asked for your input you big ass tree, but you're correct. Erwin has always been serious, his smiles were not real, just to keep a conversation. I believe that [F/N] can make him happy, and that will help Erwin's recovery."

I look back at them and they both have icing on their cheeks and nose, tch childish, they are laughing and Erwin's laugh is different. Mike sits by me to watch as well, we probably look like creeps. [F/N] wipes some icing off of Erwin's cheek and just licked it off, damn it Erwin if you don't take that hint I will cut your other arm off. Erwin leans in, yes do it Erwin, get ya some. He licks the icing off her cheek and kisses her cheek after. She blushes turning away, go in for the kill, He moves his hand to caress her cheek then moves some hair out of the way. They're looking into each others eyes, [F/N] softly grasps Erwin's forearm as he leans in more until their lips connect in perfect harmony. Even I could feel the sparks.


I was yanked down by Mike, "Levi, be quiet we'll get caught."

[F/N]'s POV

As we kissed I heard a loud shout and so did Erwin because we stopped but I didn't see anyone.

"Did you hear that Erwin?"

He sighs, "It seems we have a couple intruders, WE KNOW YOU'RE THERE!"

I suddenly heard a rustling in the bushes and then I saw Levi and Mike running away. I couldn't help but laugh at their childish behavior.

"That was kind of unexpected, I'll have to give Levi crap later, Mike too."

"Well that was surprising for me as well, and we should probably get back, I'm sure Hanji will suspect something if we are gone any longer."

I giggle, "Yeah and arriving together might give her hints as well, we can split up once we get into town."

"Sounds fair."

We pack up and walk back holding hands until we had to head back to change into our normal attire. Such a wonderful date, and hopefully many more to come.

Love Commands: Erwin X Reader (Lemon)Where stories live. Discover now