Chapter 21

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Sarah's POV)

Once the check was paid, we walked back to the car and decided to go back to my house, and use the boys music room. We pulled up into the driveway, and I unlocked the front door, coming into a quiet house.

" Hello?" I called out.

I looked around till I saw a note on the kitchen counter.


We went to our interview, we should be back around dinner. Text Paul if you need anything.

~ Liam

I smiled and walked to the girls.

" The boys are out so we can use the music room without being bothered." I said, unlocking the music room.

We all walked down stairs, Miley shutting it behind us.

" Okay, since we have the lyrics down, all we need is to add in the instrument." Jane said, as we looked around.

" Oh! I can guitar!" I said excitedly, grabbing Niall's guitar.

" And I can play piano!" Jane said, running over to the piano bench.

" And I will add more with my computer. My Uncle taught me a few things before I got in trouble." Miley said, grabbing out her computer from her bag.

We all got everything set, me strumming a few notes on the guitar.

" Alright, maybe for the beginning we can do, started with E and then go down to G in the beginning like this," I played a few strands, making a few of them a bit faster than the first ones," And then begin singing." I explained.

I looked up to see Miley and Jane smiling at me.

" What?" I asked nervously.

" You definitely have the music talent." Miley said.

I smiled and looked back at the guitar.

" Let's start, yeah? I want to be able to finish most of it before the boys come home.".

" Why? Don't you want them to hear you?" Miley asked.

I shook my head, making Jane and Miley frown.

" No, I want it to just be our secret for right now. Okay?" I asked.

The girls nodded and began playing. I took a deep breath and began.
( Authors Note: The song is actually at the top and it is one of Selena Gomez songs.)

" Wouldn't want to be anybody else


You made me insecure

Told me I wasn't good enough

But who are you to judge

When you're a diamond in the rough

I'm sure you got some things

You'd like to change about yourself

But when it comes to me

I wouldn't want to be anybody else

Na na na

Na na na

I'm no beauty queen

I'm just beautiful me

Na na na

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