Chapter 1-The new kid

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(A/N every chapter I will be switching povs but for now it starts of with May.)

'Have you ever felt like you could never fit in with anybody. That you'll never be one of them. Well then we are somewhat alike. I am one of you. A social outcast that gets bullied by the cheerleaders and populars. I never get asked out because all the guys are to scared. They don't want to be taunted by their friends, or they just think I'm weird. I mean I'm like Emo. I wear boy clothes and hats all the time and I never bother to put on makeup at all. I like bands like Twenty One Pilots, Falling In Reverse, Bunny and Bear, and Panic At The Disco. I feel like everyone hates me. I used to cut and try to kill myself. I still dream of just ending it all and leaving my family behind. I can't. My mom and little brother need me I can't just leave them now especially.'

"Miss Lewis is there something more interesting than my class?" Mr. Howard asked me.

"Um no I was just taking notes." I had taken this class last year so I knew everything he was trying to teach.

"Let me see them." he started walking over to me. I realized I only had a couple seconds to switch my note books. He reached me. 'oh no!' He took the note book off my desk. 'I can't remember which one was which! Plz be the right one!' I begged and hoped that it wasn't my journal. My most important and embarrassing thoughts and wishes were in it.

"Very impressive. All of you should follow in Ms. Lewis's footsteps." 'Phew' He sounded very proud. I got glares from the rest of the class.

I noticed one boy that was just plain staring at me. He had stunningly bright blue eyes and styled blonde hair. He dressed like a rock star. His state had so much intensity to it that I could just rush into his arms and fall asleep right beside him. 'No No NO! What the hell am I thinking!'
-Later at lunch-
"Hey your the new kid right?" A pretty brown haired girl came and asked me the most stupidest question ever.

"Yea I'm new." I said. I managed to plaster a fake smile on my face.

"Cut the act I know you thought I was going to slap your tray of lunch on your face or something like that. I'm not by the way, I was just about to ask you if you wanted to sit with me and some of my friends at our table." At least she was nice. For now.

"Sure." I nodded my head. I kept my fake smile going. Jaz, the girl that asked me to come sit with her, could not stop talking. She's lucky she's somewhat prettier than the barbies at this school.

Only two other girls sat at the table. One was like 6 feet tall and the other was as tall as a 13 year old. Me Being like 6.3" I was the tallest by three inches.

"Holy shrimp your tall!" The 6 foot one said as soon as she saw me sit at the table. "I'm Elise by the way. The shorty next to me is Sammy." Sammy slapped Elise on the shoulder hard too.

"Ow what the fuck Sammy?!" They both made me feel happier about being a total Emo and suicidal.

"Hey can I sit here." The boy from the class was standing behind me with his lunch.

"Um.. sure." I waited for him to sit down. I didn't expect him to sit next to me. I thought he was just going to sit across from me or on the other side of Sammy.

"I'm Luke by the way." 'dayum his accent was killing me.' he sounded Australian.

"I'm May. Nice meeting you." I looked away from him blushing a taking a bite from my apple. I don't eat much.

"Where you from May?" I looked up mid bite.

"Sydney." I was part Australian. I was born there and lived there until about a year ago. My mom was British.

"You don't sound Australian?" He seemed confused. I chuckled a bit.

"I'm half Australian but I was born there." I felt comfortable talking to him like it was the most natural thing in the world. I stopped thinking because my mind was focusing on the buzzing of my skin.

Luke was bumping his leg against mine. 'Don't do anything he's just trying to get a reaction out of you.' I told myself. I bumped his leg back. He gritted his teeth and looked at me.

I could see pain and longing in his gaze. 'Oh god damn it what did I do! I just hurt him!!' I gave him an apologetic look.

After lunch was almost over Luke and I started talking again. When I almost dropped my plate of food Luke caught it. I felt a shock of electricity shoot up my spine making me shiver.

"Don't worry I got you." he whispered into my ear. I stood there looking like an idiot.

"We should hang out some time." He said a bit louder. he handed me a slip of paper with his number on it.

"Call me some time." I felt his hand linger by mine after I grabbed the paper. He gave me a lopsided smile that made my heart flutter.

"Holy shit girl that's one hot hunk of meat." Jaz said in awe. I slapped her arm playfully. She pushed out her bottom lip in a pouty way.

"Alright enough I don't do cuteness." I took a step back and put my hands up.

"Oh I see, you only like his cuteness." she smirked.

'Great now I get to walk home.' I rolled my eyes. My mom was supposed to pick me up today but I guess she forgot, again. I started my long journey home.

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