chapter 11

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Sabine POV
Its been two week since ezra proposed and some heated things happened now I'm sitting in the bathroom looking at a pregnancy test that said i was pregnant. I start crying tears of joy but also worry bc I knew the empire would be after the kid. I stop crying and com ezra to our room. When he gets there he has a worried look and asks if everything is all right. I tell him everything is perfect then I show him the pregnancy test.

Erza POV
Sabine showed me a pregnancy test that says positive. I look at sabine and say your pregnant. She replies yes so I pick her up and kiss her. Afterwards we go and tell the crew and they congratulate us. After we celebrate we decide to go to bed. When I wake up I see...

Cliffe hope you like the chapter what do you think he sees in the morning remember R&R
~May the force be with you~

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