Chapter 12- Bad Mood and Attitudes

Start from the beginning

Her ass had left and hour ago and I'm still here at damn near 8 o'clock. Sure it was overtime but it was mandatory overtime. I should have a choice to work over the hours I originally signed up for.

I finished the last file, emailed her the summary. Shut down my computer and headed to my car, finally free.


I came in the house and went straight to my room.

I began to change out my work clothes, putting on my night clothes and sitting in my vanity rolling my hair.

I saw my bedroom door open. Aug came in a closed the door.

"You come in without speaking?" He smirked standing at the door.

I ignored him and continued to roll my hair.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm just tired and want to be left alone."

"That's how it is?"

"August, please don't start. I have been up since 6. No break. The only thing Ive eaten was a bowl a cereal. So yes I'm tired and cranky."

"If you would have said something I would've fixed your plate. I did make dinner you know."

"I'm not even hungry now." I got my scarf off the vanity and plopped in my bed under the covers.

"It's the job that's making you that way. If something makes you that miserable where it alters your whole personality then you need to quit."

"And do what August?" I looked at him annoyed.

"I don't know. Shit. Something that puts a smile on your face." He sat on the edge of the bed and ran his hand down my cheek.

"Yesterday we had hella fun, now you going back to being evil."

"And I'm paying for that "fun." I rolled my eyes and moved his hand.

"Do you not want to be happy?"

"I do,  but It's easy to be happy when you jobless and homeless living with your friend's sister for free."

He looked forward, letting his tongue poke the side of his cheek. He got up and left slamming the door.

I sighed. Then got up after him.

He had grabbed a bag and was putting his stuff in it.

"August. Please. I'm just frustrated. I didn't mean it."

He ignored me, putting his stuff in the bag.

"August I'm sorry okay." I lightly grabbed his wrist and took the bag out his hand and put my arms around his waist.

"I really am. I'm just so frustrated with my life right now I don't know what to do okay. But I don't want you to go."

I looked up at him he was so tall. He looked away from me towards the side at the wall.

"Can you look at me please?"

"Nah I'm jobless and homeless remember?"

He looked down at me.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry." I got on my tippy toes and repeatedly pecked his lips.

"You forgive me?" I gave him the puppy dog sad face.

"It's not working."

"What about this one?" I gave another sad face.

He laughed, making me laugh.

"You want me to fix you something to eat?" He asked me.

"Yeah." I pecked his lips one more time and went in my room.

A couple of minutes he came in with a plate of lasagna.

"Thank you." I said as he handed me a plate.

He was about to go back out.

"No stay." I whined eating.

He sat down on my bed.

"If I find a job will you quit?"

"Aug it's not going to be enough to pay for everything."

"With Kris getting paid for shows now we should be good. At least until you find like a job you like."

"I don't know we'll see. For right now, I need to get you a phone. On your job apps put my number when they ask for a number. During lunch I'll get you a phone and add you to my plan."

"You ain't got to do that."

"No, but since you been gone boo, life doesn't turn without one. And like I said when you apply for jobs they gon ask for a number."

"You right."

"Where is Kris?"

"Out with Jeremy and them."

"Yuck." I said thinking about Jeremy's rick ross ass.

"Why you didn't go out with them?"

"It don't feel right. I feel like I should be worried about getting a job and shit first before I call myself hanging out."

I smiled at his maturity.

"What you smiling at?"

"You. And how mature you are."

"You know what I'm smiling at?"

"Don't say nothing stupid."

"Them rollers in your head looking like somebody great grandma."

"For your information, beauty comes with a price. This my dear is the price so I look good in the morning. Okay fool?"

He laughed.

"I'm finished." I handed him my empty plate.


"And can you take it to the kitchen for me? Please."

"I'm nice but I'm not your servant."

"I know."

He got up to take it.

"You're my slave." I slyly said.

He tried to hand it back.

"I'm playing, go." I shooed him.

He went to take it.

I got under the covers and turned off the light.

"And hurry back I'm sleepy." I yelled.

"I know you not talking to me." He stood at the door.

"Yeah come on Aug. I'm sleepy." I whined.

He got in bed under the covers.

"I really don't think you'll be all the way happy until you quit that job." Aug snuggled behind me.

"You're right." I sighed intertwining my fingers with his that were around my waist.

If only I had enough balls to stand up to Gabby and quit. 😩

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