Chapter 2- We stay here for now

Start from the beginning

I nodded at the cashier and walked out towards food and water. They had extra supplies set up for the outbreak. Everyone smiled at me as I passed, some pat my back as "good luck" or a "thank you". Everyone is counting on me to protect our village. I took a breath and looked around. I decided on 2 water canteens, a package of water bottles, 12 canned peaches, 18 canned beans, a bag of apples, about 3 pounds of meat and baby food. The rest of the baby stuff would be in the other part of the market. When I grabbed everything I realized my arms were full. 

Looks like I'm making a second trip.

I walked back home and opened the door. Alesa jumped up and helped get everything down. I grabbed some extra emeralds and spoke to her.

"I got some necessities for us as far as the outbreak is concerned. I'm going back to get supplies in case we have to leave, backpacks and stuff like that. I'll need to come with as far as baby supplies is concerned. We'll get the escaping stuff and use the rest of the emeralds for the baby supplies." I told her. 

"Is it safe?" She asked.

"Yeah, the village has a fence around it and a few villagers closed the gate. I'll be doing rounds at night and trade of with other villagers. So we're safe for now." I told her. She nodded and grabbed a cape and draped it over her shoulders. She followed me out, we walked back to town to find it even more packed than it was when I left. I sighed.

"Let's go." I grabbed Alesa's hand and led her through the crowd towards the outbreak supplies for people getting away from town. Alesa and I looked around for a bit.

"There's a lot of supplies here, where did they get it all?" She asked quietly.

"Minecraftia, around 10 years ago set up a bunch of emergency supplies and supplied every village with it. It was supplies for ever emergency they could think of. For this case, it's a zombie virus." I answered as I looked at the different backpacks. I decided one big one and smaller one for Alesa. I snagged a tactical best for myself and several medic kits and went to the cashier. 

"Is that everything here?" She asked. 

"Yeah. We can always find more supplies from abandoned homes and whatnot." I told her. I paid for the supplies then Alesa and I went to the baby supplies.

"I already got baby food. Just get some large outfits for Mason so he can grow into them. Not too many so we can hold diapers, formula and bottles. I told her. She nodded.

"Alright hand me the emeralds." She held a hand out. I grabbed my pouch and handed it to her.

"You have 286 emeralds." I told her. She nodded. 

"That's plenty." She smiled and walked off. I casually followed behind her. She looked at outfits expertly and checked prices and sizes. She ended up with 4 different outfits. She went over to the other stuff. She grabbed some pacifiers, a couple toys for him to chew on, 2 blankets, a thin one and a thick one. She then grabbed 2 bottles and 4 containers of formula. She grabbed a spit-up rag then went to pay.

Dang, even I didn't think of toys and pacifiers. Jeez I'm a horrible dad, and I'm not even technically a dad yet. Alesa finished paying then walked over to me. She handed be around 64 emeralds and put the stuff into her backpack. 

"Ready?" I asked her. She nodded.

"Yeah let's go." 

We walked home and bolted the door shut. I worked on the guns while Alesa messed with a radio trying to get a hold of a station. I messed with a suppressor calling it "defective" the whole time. 

Finally I heard was sounded like faint words. Alesa tweaked it a bit so it was audible.

The virus has spread to over 124 villages, the king and queen have escaped the castle. Civilians are going against each other for supplies, so far, over 100,000 casualties. Please stay in your homes for the sake of yourself and your family. Let the army take care of this, please stay calm and stay in your homes.

The radio lost connection again. Alesa turned it off and looked at me. My expression was pure shock.

"100,000 casualties..." I whispered. Alesa walked over to me and rubbed my shoulders.

"My God, I didn't even have that many casualties when I fought in the Squid War." I held my head. "And it's only been a day." 

"I know. But this is different." She wrapped her arms around my neck and I felt her press her cheek against my head. I sighed and went back to working.

By the time I finished it was my shift. I was so exhausted from today I could fall asleep standing up. I grabbed my armor, some water, something to snack on then went to check on Alesa who had crashed. I fixed the sheets a bit then went back downstairs. I grabbed my shotgun then left, locking the door behind me. I walked over to the wall. 

"Sky!" The guy on shift called. I climbed up and took his place. 

"Okay, so the next guy will be here around 2. I'll remind him." He told me. I nodded.

"I know we can count on you. Everyone has faith in you. But if it gets overwhelming and you cant save the village," he looked me in the eye "take Alesa and get as far away as possible. But I know you'll do everything you can but we wont blame you if our village falls." He explained. I stared at him a moment then nodded.

"Thanks." I said softly. He nodded. 

"Alright. See you tomorrw Squid Slayer." He waved and went home. I stayed standing so I wouldn't fall asleep. I scanned the horizon constantly, whenever I saw the slightest movement I'd lift my rifle. It always ended up being a bunny or something. 

The Minecraftia night air filled my lungs and rejuvenated me. My amulet let off a small glow. A pig or a cow would pass through the field every once in a while but over all, it stayed pretty quiet, by the time 2 came around I was falling asleep standing up. I jumped someone put a hand on my shoulder.

"Hey, I'm the next shift, you get to bed. You look exhausted." He told me. I nodded.

"Yes, thank you. Who's the next shift?" I asked.

"Leo. 3 house on the left." He told me.

"Alright I'll remind him of his shift, which is at 6 right?"


"Okay. Good night." I greeted him goodnight and went to remind Leo of his shift then went home. I unloaded my shotgun and put them all away. I put up my armor. I made sure all the windows and door were locked before finally heading to bed. I crawled in next to Alesa. I wrapped an arm around her and she snuggled against me. I sighed softly and closed my eyes instantly going to sleep.


Hope you enjoyed! So I'm mixing real life with minecraft which is basically what Crafting Dead does. 





Luv ya peeps!


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