Chapter 1

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The night's events replayed in my head over and over again, as I closed my eyes in bed. His red hair like fire and those beautiful bright green eyes, and that smile...a smile with lips that can make me hot and weak all over. Picturing that face of perfection, I released breath that I sub consciously didn't realize I was holding. Seeing him there tonight, looking at me while I looked at him from across the room, it was intense. It was hot , extremely intimate and it made me shiver.

...heck it makes me shiver still.

Edwin joined our crest from a sister house a few months ago. There had been other men that had shown interest in me before, but none like Edwin. With Edwin I would definitely reciprocate interest ten fold if given the opportunity.

I wanted him to like me, to admire love me. How could I feel like this with someone I hardly knew? It was a gut feeling I suppose, and with gut feelings I trusted them immensely , being as it saved my life many times before. I guess it's instinctual, and loving Edwin just seems right. It made sense.

For months I haven't had the nerve to approach him or even speak to him, besides the obligated hello while passing each other within the halls of the Morrows. With each encounter though, the hairs at the back of my neck would stand up and I would shiver.

His presence always got a reaction from me.

ME...a highly trained and valuable weapon for the House of Fuego. Trained to guard secrets and keep them, even in the midst of torture, grew week and giddy at the mere glance of this beautiful creature. I always did my best to conceal it though, trying hard to not to be a blundering fool but instead the rock hard warrior I was trained to be.

Tonight our crest had hosted a party for all the neighbouring Houses in the city for the Equinox. I was assigned to keep guard and prevent any security risks that could arise. Edwin was there, assigned to do the same. We had to check in with each other routinely with a quick glance and a nod from across the room. His glances always lingered longer than they needed to, and I would always have to look away first, out of fear of being found out that...Edwin Demuariar was my greatest weakness.


I opened my eyes to look at the clock and sighed. It was only 3 hrs till night fall and I had yet to fall asleep. My body will be weak and weary tomorrow no doubt. I sat up in bed to pound the imaginary lumps out of my pillow and sighed. Laying down once more, I rolled over in an attempt to try and slumber once again.

It was a vain attempt that evidently proved futile.

When night fall finally came, I reluctantly got up out of bed to take a much needed shower. Hopefully the shower would do its best in waking me up cause I was dead tired, no pun intended. Finally feeling somewhat awake and normal, I got dressed headed off to report in to my superiors, and receive tonights assignments.


"Hey 'A', how did last nights endeavours pan out?" Cody asked while sitting down next to me at the conference table waiting for our assignments.

" Good...nothing went down, everything went smoothly" I replied looking at Cody leaf over the pile of reports submitted in from all those on duty last night.

"Yeah? How was Ed? I'm thankful that he was able to sub in for me last night, but I'll be pissed if he fucked up and got me in trouble with head's. You know for switching with someone who hasn't been sworn in yet. " He stressed while putting the papers back down in their pile.

"Eddie? Edwin...he did good. All went well" I said, feeling myself blush.

"What's wrong 'A' ? Why are you acting weird?"Cody asked noticing my effected reaction at the mere mention of HIM"

"Nothing, Just not feeling too good I think, I never fed as much as should of is all" I quipped, noticing Cody narrowing his eyes at me.

"Ok ...riiiiiight, if you say so". He said with less than convinced tone.

"How bout you? How was your night off?" I quickly asked, trying to change the subject.

"Good! I'm so glad I was able to see my Sis in Orlando. I felt her call and had to go know? Something was off. I was glad I went, turned out she was injured by some hunters and I got there just in time to give her some blood to heal. " She 's fine now though- good as new."

"Shit! I'm glad she's ok! You did right by following your instinct. Never will be wrong as long as you follow your gut, I always say..."

"Good Evening Ladies and Gents" A loud voice interrupted. Cody and I stopped our conversation instantly to look up and listen to our squadron leader's announcement. I quickly surveyed the room to witness all those who were leaning against the walls in conversation, quickly join the table.

" I hear by commence this meeting tonight, the night of May 31st 2015. Topics that will be addressed are: Last Nights security detail report of the Equinox celebration and any issues encountered, along with suggestions of improvements that can be made for future. Also tonights assignments and lastly a vote for new members of security." Trigg the squadron leader looked around the room to mentally take attendance. " Ok" Trigg continued, satisfied with the total count of bodies in the room. " Seeing as we had a someone new help with the Equinox security detail last night " Trigg said nodding to Cody with narrowed eyes. Cody looked up at Trigg both surprised and nervous, obviously fearing he was in trouble. "But to my understanding, the replacement was necessary as there were urgent family matters that required attending. However for future, please notify your superior if such an instance occurs going forward. Head's are the only true people allowed to designate a shift change, and or approval of a outside sub. Saying that, Edwin Demaurier was a head of security in his old crest. He did me the courtesy of alerting me of the switch, along with an application of membership to our security detail here in the house of Fuego. So I would like to begin tonights meeting by nominating Edwin DeMaurier as an official member of Fuego. All in favour say "I".

A loud chorus of 'I's rang throughout the meeting room. Pleased with the result Trigg nodded to Stan, Trigg's right hand, to open the door. In walked Edwin DeMaurier, the secret love of my life. I blushed with nervousness as he quickly glanced in my direction before facing our squadron leader.

"Edwin DeMaurier, I am willing to shorten the application process for you since you have extensive knowledge and experience in this field. After your nomination it has been a unanimous vote , and I therefore would like to ask if you would like to become a brother in the security detail of the House of Fuego. Do you accept?"

"I do, and I am honoured by your nomination and kind acceptance." Edwin's confident voice rang out, my pulse quickened in excitement.

"Well then Edwin my boy...take a seat where you please and remember it...for it will be your seat for the rest of your service, here at Fuego." Trigg said.

Turning around Edwin's eyes met mine for the second time tonight and then veered to the empty seat to my left. Holly Zhang's old seat....she transferred to a European house last month

" May I Alix?" Edwin asked. I was stupefied and wordless, all I could do was nod profusely like a blubbering idiot. Edwin smiled at my reaction and sat by me. I held my breath again for fear of saying or doing something even more embarrassing. His wonderful masculine scent hit my nose and I closed my eyes to try and calm my treacherous emotions.

"So that out of the way let's begin with last night's reports..." Trigg continued.

Eyes still closed I breathed in and out trying to listen to my boss and concentrate on my job... instead of the red-haired, green eyed , godlike man sitting beside me.

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