18 - Questioning that which is

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What if Abrams had connected the dots? And the missing bodies Alawa mentioned...what if he had figured it out? What if he's hunting us now? I looked up at Alawa and shook my head. "I don't know. Its possible, I guess."

We were interrupted by a flurry of barks from outside the cave. Alawa turned and raced through the cave, wagging her tail. Spike and I followed her out.

"What's going on?" I asked, confused.

"Well, by the looks of it, Kémé and David have returned." I felt my stomach turn over nervously, and I slowed my pace. Spike smiled and shook his head as Alawa leapt out of the cave, barking excitedly.

"What's her problem?"

Spike laughed and shook his head once more. "She and Kémé are mates, Humfrey! Couldn't you smell him all over her?"

"No, I couldn't. I was the one being smelled, remember?"


"'Ha,' what?"

"Would it be safe to assume that you don't know who Tara is mated to?" he asked, a sly grin forming on his face.

"Yeah, it would be..."

"Me, you tree stump!"

Say what?  "Really?"

"Yes! Boy, you really are thick!" He laughed and walked out from the cave.

I held back, hesitating. Here goes.

I moved to step out, but as I lifted my paw, the yipping outside the cave fell silent all at once. I froze, my front paw hanging in the air, as someone whispered something outside. Someone else snarled a reply, and followed up with a menacing growl.

A new scent found its way into my nostrils, and I took a step backwards. A few more low growls sounded outside, and someone began walking towards the cave. I lay my ears back and took yet another fearful step away from the entrance. The smell that filled my nostrils terrified me, for reasons I could not explain. It was similar to Alawa's scent, but it also carried the uncannily familiar scent of blood, blood that I had smelled before...

Something scrabbled along the rocks at the cave's entrance, and a brown-furred head peered in, staring at me.

"There you are! What are you doing, hiding back here?" it asked, booming out the words. I lowered my head and stared at the ground, keeping silent.

"C'mon out of there!" he commanded, and then withdrew from the entrance. He spoke with and air of authority, as if he expected to be obeyed.

I dared not defy him, so I stepped slowly forward, slinking my way out into the open. Once again, everyone was circled around me, staring intently. The brown wolf towered in front of me, looking down at my tiny form, testing the air. He circled around me on four massive paws, and squinted his eyes curiously. Another wolf stood in the circle, staring at me strangely, unmoving. Was that...contempt I saw in his eyes? I lowered my gaze, not daring to make eye contact.

The brown wolf completed his circle around me, and spoke once more.

"You are the outsider?"

I felt myself lowering as he spoke. I couldn't help myself; I wanted to do nothing more than assume the submissive posture in his presence.

"Y-yes, I am!" I looked away to the side when I answered.

"You were bitten by the Omega?"

"By M-mingan, yes!"

He lowered his head down to mine, putting his nose millimeters away from my own. "And you've survived..." he whispered, then huffed loudly, a look of mild amusement crossing his face. He moved back, and looked down at the bite-scars that wrapped themselves around my right limb. "Scrawny one, you are." He turned and looked over at Mingan, who immediately looked away guiltily. For the first time, I noticed that there were several wolves who had pressed themselves down to the ground, including Spike, Tara, and Mingan. Those must be the Omegas. Huh. Maybe my societal rank is fitting after all--just like them, I can hardly look at the guy in front of me!!

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