Chapter 2

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After breakfast my teacher came in my dorm and looked at me with a stern look.

"Why is Ali crying in the girls bathroom?" he said in a voice that meant he knew what happened and it was a rhetorical question.

I looked down at my computer screen and kept typing like he wasn't there. He then came and slammed the laptop closed.

"I dont want you to die, but you will if you don't start to train and have friend there to say that you will change and that you will make all the training that you have missed in a certain amount of time. I can't do that because I am your teacher and teachers are not allowed to do that. I thought maybe if we got you a roommate she would get you to train and she would stick up for you on your 13th birthday so they won't kill you." He actually looked like he was about to cry.

"I'm sorry but I don't train and I don't make friends." I said quietly and with that I got up and left the room without another word.

I went outside to get some fresh air and think about everything because it was all starting to get real. I had to think of a plan to get out of here before my 13th ceremony. This was going to be hard, dangerous, and risky but it had to be done because I didn't want to be killed and I wanted to join the world and be treated normally. I wasn't some weapon that can just be hand held, I was a human that needed a family, a place in the world, and to be treated normally. This was my 3 biggest wishes and I was going to make them come true by breaking out of here using my powers. I looked down at all the other kids training and then I saw this guy and his teacher fighting so I turned into a bird and flew to a near by branch to listen in on their conversation.

"You need to train because the 13th ceremony is coming up and you have a lot of training to be done," said the teacher and then he chuckled. "It wouldn't even matter you have no friends to stick up for you so you will die anyways." With that the teacher left and the boy started to cry. I felt bad for him because I was in the same boat but I didn't know how to talk to him and even if I did he might not be trustworthy but at the same time this could be easier with different kinds of powers.

I thought about it a little more as I slept then made a plan to get him on board with me the next morning.

I woke up early and got ready for the day and went over the plan 3 times in my head. I would find him at breakfast and sit with him and try to gain his friendship and trust and then when they are good friends I will lay the big question of escaping with me.

I headed down to the breakfast room and got my breakfast and looked around for but couldn't find him, so I ate my breakfast and went back to my room. Now what? My plan was a total bust.

I would have to wait till training and then maybe I could find him. So till then I went to work on my laptop.

Training time rolled around and I went outside to look for him. He was sitting right where he was the other day. I walked over and sat by him and acted like I was reading the book I brought with me.

He looked at me for awhile, up and down, then looked away quickly. I smiled because he was pretty cute with his long, flippy, black hair and bright green eyes. He was taller than me, which I'm 5'7. I think he was about 6'0ish. He was skinny and looked shy.

I was scared to talk to him but I had to. Finally I shut the book and said, "Hi I'm Alex, it's short for Alexandra. I noticed you sitting here wondering why you are not training."

He looked at me for minute and I'm pretty sure I started to blush.

"I don't like to train. I think this whole thing is stupid and unfair. I don't think we should be locked up like animals. We should be treated like normal people." He looked at me in the eye and I smiled and felt like hugging him but didn't. "I should ask u the same thing" ,he said, "I have never seen you train or actually anywhere before."

I looked at him "I have no reason to train for a cause I don't like and want nothing to do with." He looked at me and smiled and I blushed because he had a perfect smile.

"Hi, I'm Zak and I think me an you will be great friends." He put out his hand and smiled. I shook it happy because it was easier than I thought it would be. Plus, this was a start of a great friendship.

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