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~Two weeks later

Tom and Kingsley are settling down the Ministry. Like Hogwarts, things are becoming calmer, and more relaxed. Even though the major areas like this are progressing well, that is not were the news is at.

Three mates are in the Room of Requirement. They are sitting on a pile of pillows. The young Submissive has something to tell the other two. Worry is on the face of the dominants.

"Baby, what's wrong?" Draco asks.

Harry takes a deep breath. "That's just it. We are having one."

It takes a second for them to register what he has said. They hug each other, full of joy. Two hands find their way to a small stomach.

"A baby." Charlie sighs.

"I want to tell the others. They would be so happy." Harry jumps up. "Daddy would be so happy."

The other two look at each other in fear. "....yea.... Of course..... Daddy." They sound like the twins as they get up and follow their mate.

The Raven haired teen bounds down the stairs and through the halls. He bursts through the Great Hall as lunch is in progress.

"Snape.. Dad.. I have ... Something to ... Tell you.." He gasps out as he makes it to the teachers' table. The headmaster had stood and jumped the table as soon as he burst through the doors. His mates take their time getting to the table.

"What's wrong?" Snape's hands are on his boy's shoulders.

"I'm going to have a baby!" Harry says loud enough for the whole, silent room to hear.

The Slytherins jump up cheering with the twins and the rest of his close friends. The rest of the students and teachers clap.

The Dark Elf headmaster hugs the teen while sending glares of pain to the ones he deems responsible. The pair's faces hold looks of fear.

"I need to tell Grandfather!  Can I use the fireplace in your office?"

"Of course." Snape barely finishes as Harry grabs Charlie's and Draco's hands and quickly leaves.

"I bet it's a girl!" Fred calls out as soon as the door shuts.

"Have you seen Charlie? I put my money on it being a boy!" George calls.

"Shut up." Snape growls.

"I say girl." Hermione calls out.

"The Malfoy line hasn't had a female in ages. Boy!" Blaise calls out.

Pretty soon, the twins are collecting bets as the three mates make it up to the office. They stand in the the fire place, and Charlie sends them to the Ministry.

Appearing in the main room, they head to the Minister's office, were they found Tom sitting at his desk. Without knocking, Harry had bound in.

The man had stood, at first in anger, but now in surprise.

"Harry. What's up?"

"Grandfather, I'm having a baby!"

"You are what?"

"Having a baby! Is it okay if I use your floo?"


The poor man, so full of shock, he didn't realize what his Harry had said until he left. Quickly, he also used the floo to get to Grimmauld Place. Here he heard a scream of pain, in the sitting room.

Another came as he went through the door. Both Draco and Charlie are on the floor. Remus and Sirius have their wands raised. Harry has his hands over his mouth.

Suddenly, Snape appears behind Tom. "Serves them right." He mutters.

Harry, however is not very pleased. He flicks his fingers at the older males who, freeze as their blood holds them in place.

The teen moves to his mates, both are clutching their junk while curled up on the floor.

"My balls.." Draco moans.

"Sorry Baby, I don't think I can grant you another child." Charlie grits through his teeth.

"What the fuck spell was that?" The blonde asks.

None of the men can speak. Til Harry flicks his fingers again, that is.

"A spell of our own creation." Remus replies, an arm thrown around Sirius.

"Don't do it again. If you do, your balls will be on the line." The teen meets the eyes of those around him who smile sweetly. A scared smile.

After a couple minutes, the boys get to the feet. The three mates are surrounded by the men.

"If it matters any to you Harry, I say its a girl." Sirius comments.

"Not you too." Severus grumbles amongst peals of laughter.

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