Armin & Me

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"Abnormal 2 o'clock!" My gear sprung forth, wind flowing through me (h/c) hair. I spot the humanoid monster in front of me. Releasing the hooks of me gear, they pin into the walls shooting me forward. Taking out my swords, I bring them over my shoulder. I could see them glint from the corner of my eye. Near the giant I start to bring down my weapons ready to slice the bastard's flesh. That was until I saw a flash infront of me. Red liquid scattered through the air as the massive corpse fell to the ground. Following the blur, my vision came to focus. Levi. " Hey short stack! That was my kill!" I shout at him.
"Well you should have been faster." He retorted. Furious I start to head off course. He knows I'm the fastest soldier in the Scouting Regiment. Ass. Landing to a Titan free area I start to wonder around thinking about what it was like before the walls and if I could bring my cat to the Survey Corps. However my thoughts where interrupted when the ground started to shake. Looking behind me, I see an abnormal.
Springing into action I see that it isn't heading for me. Looking around I see a group of citizens crowded in front of a house, assuming a family. Quickly, I shoot froward using my speed and momentum to give me enough force for me to cut deep into the deformed fairy princesses neck. As the Titan hit the ground ,a woman (assuming the mother) came up to me.
"Thank you," she cried "Thank you for saving us."
"Just another day on the job. There's no need for thanks." I replied.
Turning and walking away I was confronted by a familiar blond face. Armin.
"Oh h-hey Armin." I stutter as heat rushed to my cheeks.
"Hey (Y/N)! That was amazing h-h-how did you manage to defeat a 30m class by y-yourself? You would have at least reached about 75 miles per/h"
Laughing at how cute he is when he stuttered, I replied with " It's not very hard really. All I did was reach a high velocity and used the momentum to force my weapons to pierce it's flesh deep enough to kill it. No biggie."
But after saying that some thing weird happened. Armin stepped closer as so that we were inches apart. Then ,cupping my cheeks, he pulled me closer and closer until...our lips met. Sparks filled my mind as the butterflies flutter in my stomach. Armin seeped the kiss as of which I melted, our lips in synch. Every touch sent sparks of pleasure through my veins until. We broke apart.
"You know I've liked you for a while now and I just wanted to say I-I.."
"I like you too Armin."
Looking into his eyes we smile. Just smiled.
"Well, time to send Titans to hell." I shout smiling " Last one to kill a Titan gets the other persons food!"
"It's on!"

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