Chapter 2

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"I so wasn't prepared for our essay!", I sigh to Acacia as we are walking back home from school. "I told you! You should honestly start to take school seriously Clara. Freshmen year is the hardest. What if you don't get to a good college?!" Acacia tells me with a sharp voice. I think about it and finally say, "Well at McDonald's I can always give you a discount!". She smacks me on the back of the head. At that point we were slapping each other. "Just think of all the number 2s I can give you for free!" I yell as she punches me. "No! You need to get a good education and a real job!" I laugh off what she says and start to walk again. That is until I see from the corner of my eye the two most familiar things in my life. Owls. One and almost black but not entirely. A rich dark brown. While the other such a beautiful mix of white and grey on its wings. All four of us just staring at each other,that is until they start to fly off. From above Acacia and I watch them drop a small item.

"It looks like they are leaving us a gift." I say while both of us are running towards the falling objects. They were feathers. Acacia takes a better look at the white while I with the black.

"We'll look at them later lets just go home because I'm starving!!",I say while practically dragging Acacia by the arm. "So, Albus mentioned in the morning that he wanted to talk to us. What do think it is?", I ask Acacia.

" Well, have you've done anything lately?", she looks at me with a grin on her face. I think hard to see if I really have done anything. I look up noticing that we're only a few blocks away from home. "Well actually no I have-." "AVADA KEDAVRA!!!"

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