The Unlucky Night

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After a couple hours of gambling Roy goes home early and leaves Pam with Jim, which is perfect timing for Jim, giving what he has to do. He has been waiting ever since he has seen Pam and could not wait anymore. " I'm in love with you, and" Pam buts in "I-I am sorry but I can't do this I am committed to Roy and just don't think I feel that way and"
Jim worried this would happen so without thinking he kissed her in which she responded greatly. She didn't resist and put her hands on his head. They went back to back to jim's house for a while but the documentary crew could not not see the in side of the house because it was blocked by curtains and locked doors. Pam stayed over night and told Roy she got drunk and fell asleep at the office. She never really said what happened with her and Jim but instead she steered away the question and said she really saw having kids with Roy and having a life with him. Jim saw disbelief in every thing she said "with what happened last night, not confirming anything, I think she doesn't know what she wants"
After this turn of events Pam couldn't help but confess to Roy and break up. Pam says she just lost a family and happy life that she has been planning for years. She's blames Jim for this and for what person she thinks people think of her now. There friendship went down hill from there. Jim kept slipping up in front of Pam and they stopped talking and flirting. Pam developed and big hatred for Jim and Jim kind of started noticing. The doc crew follows Jim and Pam without them noticing. The doc crew found them there in mid conversation. "But Pam he is a terrible, terrible guy" " all I'm saying Jim is that the only reason behind it is that I thought Roy was with someone else so I did that but I was wrong. You were wrong. you lead me on and I..i just can't believe you." Pam storming out of the break room.

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