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Dan had just crawled onto his creese and gotten comfy when there was a knock at the door. Not wanting to make him get up again, you got up and got the door. At the door I found some random dude. "Hi." The man lazily said. He handed you a flyer, some running shoes, and an order form for some work out cloths. Taking up his offer you took the form and filled it out looking closely at it and the flyer. You smiled gleefully and replied... "Here! I'll be starting when?!" Curiosity had taken over you at this point. You went out to the 24 hour mall and got some work out gear. You tried on the sneakers the man had given you and they just barely fit. You jogged back to the flat and panted heavily with your legs and knees in pain. You sat down on the couch and being as excoughsted as you were you passed out on the couch.

Le time skip

"Hey Shane! " You said as he kissed you on the forehead. "I'm so glad that I'm not alone anymore" wait... that voice.... WAIT! why am I with Shane and not dan....

Then you woke up. Gasping for air. Dan ran over to you and smiled brightly holding you closely with phil. After you explained to then that the same voice was back Dan showed even more worrie. You smiled at him brightly as he asked you to go to Starbucks.

Sorry for the short chapters guys! I promis that I'll get a REALLY REALLY extra special chapter. .. but for now this will have to do.... thanks for reading! You guys are all amazingly incredible!

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