chapter two

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" OK...this is the battle arena. Let's go practice." We walked through the doors. He showed me where the armor and shields were." This is my sword. I named it, like everyone else does with them and spears. Its shadow. Or θανάτου. On three. One. Two. Three!"
It looked like I was weaponless but out of thin air, a celestial bronze sword appeared in my hand. I prarried his attack. More and more people came to watch me and Nico train. About thirty minutes later, I disarmed him and had the point at his throat.

" This is Tsunami." I backed up and helped him up. Eight people came busting through the door. Scrambling and laughing until they reached us.

"Hey Nico, did this girl really beat your-"

Shink! My dagger blade was suddenly at this scrawny Latino boys neck. He raised his hands. " I haven't seen you around. U a nymph?" Fire raged in my eyes.

" No, I'm actually a real person." He sized me up. I sized him. I was a couple millimeters taller than him and a lot more skinner. I backed off.

" I'm Leo, Leo Valdez."

" I saw you Battling A potty sludge person. And I'm Nickole, Nickole Skye Jackson. me Nikki or Nick." All of them except Nico stared at me in awe. A taller, black haired boy that looked like me stepped out. We circled each other, studying. " You look familiar." We said, at the sametime.

" You smell like you've been swimming." He said simply. " What is your friends name. These are Annabeth, Piper, Hazel, Calypso, Leo, Frank, Jason and...and I'm Percy....Jackson."

I gasped and started to back up"" I ran. Nico and Percy started after me but Annabeth stopped them. "How about the girls go talk to her?" Nico leaned on the wall, " That won't be easy, she can morph just like Frank....but.." Annabeth stared. Calypso spoke up, " But what?".

" she doesn't know it"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2015 ⏰

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