1. A New Beginning

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As if from nowhere, dark menacing clouds blackened the afternoon sky like an apocalypse of the third kind, a revelation. A clap of thunder roared from above, shaking the grounds and sending people in the park scurrying like rats for cover. Suddenly, a single bolt of lightning parted the shroud of darkness and struck the earth, sending a wave of energy rippling out, rendering everyone unconscious, but frozen in place. Then as quickly as it arrived, the clouds dissipated into nothingness and the sun shined once more as if nothing had happened. Slowly, scattered crowds of confused and frightened people began regaining consciousness, as fragments of nervous chatter grew louder and blurred into each other, trying to gather their wits.

"What the heck-was-that?" asked Sammy, looking around the park with his heart pounding out of his chest.

"I don't know," said Dave, "but I thought it was the end of the freaking world."

"Was that a thunderstorm or an earthquake?" asked Herb.

"I think both," said Dave.

"Then that's my first quake on Long Island and I'm still shaking like a leaf," said Herb, showing everyone his trembling hands.

"I don't understand," said Dave. "A second ago it looked like the final destruction of the world-now there's not a cloud in the sky."

"I know," said Herb. "Was that freaky or what?"

Sammy looked at his watch and said, "I don't know what just happened, but it's almost six and I don't think anyone here is in the mood to finish the basketball game. So, why don't I just drop you guys home and Jen and I will meet you all at the restaurant at seven. We can talk some more about this later."

"I concur," said Dave. "My legs are still wobbling all over the place anyway."

"Yeah-and I need a serious shower," said Herb.

"Hey, has anyone seen my basketball?" asked Sammy looking around.

Dave pointed into the distance and said, "Over there-by those bushes. You want me to get it?"

"No, I'll get it. I'll meet you guys by the car." Sammy jogged over and retrieved his basketball. As he turned to walk away, he heard his name whispered distantly on the wind-in his own voice. "Hello," he said looking around. After there was no response, he began walking away again.

"Sammy," whispered the voice again. He stopped, turned around and faced the bushes.

"Ha-Ha, very funny, guys." When he looked over and saw his friends in the parking lot, he tensed his brow together, shook his head, and laughed. "I must be losing my freaking mind," he said to himself as he turned to walk away again.

"Sammy," whispered the voice for a third time. He quickly whipped his head around and silently scanned the area, waiting to hear the voice again. Suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, a glowing light began to emerge between the bushes. His curiosity got the better of him. He walked over and forced himself between the greenery to see what was making the light.

When he parted the last set of plants, he was momentarily blinded by the intense brightness. He quickly covered his eyes and squeezed them shut until the sharp stabbing feeling left his skull. A few moments later, the light subsided. He moved his hands away from his face and slowly opened his eyes. What he saw next stunned him. "Oh my god," he said with his jaw dropped.

"SAMMY," shouted Dave. However, he didn't respond and seemed in a trancelike state, so Dave ran over. "Sammy-what are you doing, man-let's go." When Dave walked over and saw what Sammy was looking at, he was stunned as well.

Herb ran over to find out why his friends were just standing in the bushes like statues. "Guys, what's going on-we're going to be late-what are you looking at?" When he walked over, his widened with surprise. "What the hell! How the heck did that get there?"

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