Chapter 2

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I woke up to the sound of continuous beeping. I opened my eyes to be blinded by white all around. After letting my eyes adjust for a few seconds I look around a room which looks similar to what a hospital room would look like, cramped, dominated by the bed I was laying in and cold, institutional tile floor. I noticed an IV in my arm and my left leg had a brace on it from where I had hurt it earlier, but it felt fine now.

I heard knocking at the door and a tall, older man with white hair and bright blue eyes walked in the room. "Hello, my name is Doctor Johnson, but you can call me Sam, if you would like. When you got here we noticed that your leg was broken, but it was already partially healed, so we put a brace on it to make sure that it continued to heal correctly.  And also you've suffered from a severe concussion. Do you remember your name?" "Uh...yeah, my name is Ella. How did I get here?" I groggily replied.

"Well, Ella there was an attack at Midnight Pack's territory. There Alpha committed many crimes against all wolves. He was unfair and unjust.  Unfortunately there were some other casualties, besides the Alpha, but the majority of the pack survived. The rest of the will be 'adopted' per say, into the Red Forest Pack. Which is the pack that fought the Midnight Pack." Sam announced.

"Where is the man that was with me in the basement?" I wondered. " He is actually in the waiting room, he wanted to be alerted as soon as you woke up, but I figured I would let you know what had happened, before he came in here." Instead of replying I gave him a small smile of gratitude. "I'll let him know that you're awake now." And with that, he walked out of the room, I assume getting the man that had brought me in here.

I waited for a few minutes, but eventually I got so tired that I laid down and I fell asleep. Sometime later I heard the door open and two people walk in." She must have fallen asleep" Sam mumbled. "She's so beautiful" I heard someone whisper. I heard feet shuffling, coming towards me. Then I felt someone touching my hair softly. My eyes fluttered open.

I seen a tall, fit man staring back me. I don't know what it is about him, he calmed me down. He was muscular and had light blue-green eyes, along with dirty blonde hair. "Hi, my name is Kaden. I am the Alpha of Red Forest Pack." I honestly had no idea how to reply to that whether it was because I had just woken up or from how handsome he was and how close he was to me, I had no clue, so I just gave him a small smile.

Sensing that I was uncomfortable Sam stepped in and explained "This is Ella, after you brought her in I noticed that along with her broken leg, which I might add is healing remarkably fast even for a werewolf, she also has a severe concussion. She's free to go, but make sure she takes it easy for the next couple of days."

I gazed back up at Kaden, then back at Sam. " Uh...I really don't have a place to go. I guess I could stay in this hospital for a few days." I stated sadly, while doing everything I could to possibly do to avoid any and all eye contact. "Silly girl, you're coming home with me", Sam looked at Kaden giving him a warning look and slightly shook his head," to, uh, recover from your injuries. Since you don't have a place to go" Kaden finished.

I smiled up at Kaden, "It's okay, I don't want to cause anymore trouble than I already have. I'll just get a hotel or something." I immediately regretted saying that because first off I have no money and secondly, Kaden got an angry look in his eye "No you won't, I have plenty of space in my home, and it will be no inconvenience at all" he declared fiercely. I quickly agreed not wanting to argue anymore.

After about ten minutes of a silent, and very awkward car ride we finally arrived at a huge brick house that could easily pass for a mansion. The house was big, the kind in which most people dreamed of living in. Secluded among trees on one of Oregon's most exclusive streets, it had balconies, screened-in front porch, a free-standing garage, a gazebo, and a gigantic pool, my dream home."Home sweet home" Kaden muttered faintly underneath his breath. He got out of his car, and before I managed to get out of the car he came around to my side and opened the door for me and lifted me up from the seat. "Thanks" I stammered.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2016 ⏰

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