chapter 2

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Mckinnely's pov:
I walked over to jack and finn's flat to hang out and when I walked in I saw a lot of new faces. I walked in and sat in Finn's lap because we have that kind of best friend relationship. As I sat down everyone, not including the twins looked at me like I was a new animal at the zoo or something. Then I heard jack speak up, "oh um guys this is Mckinnely, me and Finn's best friend since kindergarten. Mckinnely these are me and Finn's friends from youtube, Alfie, Joe, Zoe, and Tyler. But Tyler is just visiting from the U.S." "Oh hi guys I'm Mckinnely!", I tried to sound as happy as possible. They all said hello then I just had a conversation with Zoe, who seemed pretty nice. I was getting pretty annoyed because the boys seemed to have forgotten something that has basically became a tradition in our friendship so I spoke up, "Um Jack ,Finn are you guys forgetting something?", I asked clearly annoyed. "Um no, not that I recall", Finn answered. I just turned around and looked at him and he looked as if he suddenly remembered what I was talking about. He then looked at Jack who wore the same expression. "Sorry Mick (that is one of Mckinnely's nicknames) but we are gonna have to take a rain check on our ice cream party this week sorry.", Finn finally said. I'm guessing you're pretty confused, you see one Saturday a month our parents would take us to get ice cream together and till this day we have always gotten ice cream together one Saturday. And today was that Saturday. "OK well I'm going back to my flat it was nice meeting you all.", I said flatly as I walked out the door.
Finn's pov:
How could I have let this happen. I should've reminded Jack that it was ice cream Saturday before he invited our new friends over. And it may seem silly for Mckinnely to get all up set over one trip to the ice cream shop, but she really takes our friendship seriously and I can't believe I let this happen. I'll just have to make it up to her I guess?
I hope you enjoyed this crappy chapter.

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